
What happens if you get pregnant on WSIB?

by  |  earlier

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I am a injured worker in ontario canada and am doing retraining but have discovered that I have become pregnant. Not sure what happens next or if I should just continue doing what I am doing rather than inform them right away.




  1. Unless the pregnancy impacts the retraining, I don't see any reason to inform them.

    You should be eligible for maternity leave once you return to your regular job, as usual, provided your work history makes you eligible.  In terms of that eligibility, the injury period should count as working time.

  2. I am actually in the same situation and just started looking into it.  I spoke with gov. on.  You can still try to apply for maternity leave but the sooner you start the claim the better since they will only go back 2 years of your working so if it's been a while you may only receive so many months.  If you find out WSIB will cover you then you can just cancel your claim.  But you have to have proof of the claim that you were unable to work though for service canada.  As for WSIB I still don't know exactly how they work so if you find out any other info please let us know also.

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