
What happens if you have a warrant in another county and you are aressted? what is the 3 strike law?

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What happens if you have a warrant in another county and you are aressted? what is the 3 strike law?




  1. If it is a district court issued warrant then you will be arrested and extradited to the county where the warrant is out of.

    Three strikes laws are statutes enacted by state governments in the United States which require the state courts to hand down a mandatory and extended period of incarceration to persons who have been convicted of a serious criminal offense on three or more separate occasions. These statutes became very popular in the 1990s. They are formally known among lawyers and legal academics as habitual offender laws.[1] The name comes from baseball, where a batter has two strikes before striking out on the third.

  2. If the county is in the same State you can just be handed over. If it's from another State they have to go through the extradition process unless you waive extradition.

    Three strikes laws, which vary by State, call for enhanced penalties for a third or subsequent conviction.


  3. I got this from wikipedia' Three strikes laws are statutes enacted by state governments in the United States which require the state courts to hand down a mandatory and extended period of incarceration to persons who have been convicted of a serious criminal offense on three or more separate occasions. These statutes became very popular in the 1990s. They are formally known among lawyers and legal academics as habitual offender laws.[1] The name comes from baseball, where a batter has two strikes before striking out on the third.

    Yedga Sikod

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