
What happens if you ignore a lollipop lady??

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I didnt as such ignore her i was driving to work i stopped let the kids pass and then she did a hand signal like people do if they want people to come over so i thought she was letting me pass, turns out she wasnt now i have to go to court nobody was hurt but whats going to happen? Will my license be taken away?




  1. So if you were driving to work it sounds as though you pass this way regularly, and even if you don't, it might be worth going to see her and apologising for your actions and explaining the misunderstanding. For sure this would help to convince her that you are genuine and you made a genuine mistake.

    She would have to be really stony hearted if she didn't accept you apology.

  2. Sorry Lauzie buts its not good news. Its worse than jumping a red light because you've got someone in the middle of the road. So you'll get at least the same punishment as jumping a red light, but in this case there are witnesses!

  3. fu** all

  4. You probly wont lose your license, but you may recive a ticket in the mail, which will suck, or she my ignore the situation and you could be fine.

  5. You go straight to h**l

  6. I would imagine the offence they are looking at is driving without due consideration or dangerous driving.

    You will probably get points and/or a fine.

    You are only likely to lose your licence if the points you get totals 12.

  7. Pigeons appear and start masquerading as drones of unknown origin.

  8. she gathers an army of children to attack you in the night

  9. There was a case not so long ago where the lollipop person stepped right out in front of traffic and somebody had to slam on causing a bit of a pile up. The Judge gave the lollipop person a severe reprimand and said they should be better trained, so you stand a chance as I don't think Judges like them.

  10. I don't think it'll go to that but the lollipop lady is there for safety and if you don't obey her then it's you own fault. =) I'm sure if you tell them it was a misunderstanding the lollipop lady won't whack you with the lollipop...

  11. It does sound like a waste of tax payers money to take you to court for it. Just say she was flapping her arms about in an unclear way, unlike anything you have seen in the highway code so you mistook the meaning. Say that you thought if she wanted you to stop, she would have used her stop sign, and why didn't she?

  12. If you look on a Lollipop Stop Stick! there is a black bar! this is blackboard paint and the Lollipop lady or man will carry chalk and write you registration on that black bar then you will be reported to the police and then you will either cautioned or nailed for it!



    Sgt. (Military Police)

  13. You deserve everything they chuck at you. Most likely only 3 points and a £60 fine

    A Lollypop is there for road safety, if you're in such a rush to get passed, why not set off a few minutes early.

  14. You will probably get a ticket and a fine. You won't lose your license unless you have a lot of prior tickets.

  15. I would get a lawyer, your car insurance might foot the bill, as a lollipop lady has no powers to tell you to do anything except STOP when she is standing with her sign, and I would not think that her word against yours would stand up any way.

  16. You run over a child: 10 points.

  17. Fine and points but you could be charged with dangerous driving.

  18. You could have her competence and eyesight questioned by the court, think about it they're not trained to much of an extent by any means and they are over the age of 50 in general or retired.

  19. she beats you with that lollipop

  20. you don't get any more don't get to pass go or collect $ over

  21. I do not know exactly what a lollipop lady do. But according to your story, you stopped in one intersection I suppose to let the kids pass and then she did a hand signal like letting you pass? Yet it turn out she didn't? WHY YOU CANNOT DISTINGUISH A HAND SIGNAL letting you pass or not? A HAND SIGNAL IS VERY ELEMENTARY even a grade school kid will know it. HAND SIGNAL is used during the STONE AGE I presume and everybody knows what a person is telling you even if the person don't speak.

    SINCE NOBODY IS HURT why go to court for? What is the felony charge upon you? You didn't say what it is. WHY ASKED US WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR LICENSE, just wait for the outcome of what the court need you there for. Why ask us. You know what you done so you have a very clear picture of what you are going through not us.

    NEXT TIME make sure what hands they are using or interpret them in the RIGHT WAY not the wrong way so that you will not to go court all the time. ok.

  22. If the lollipop was clearly visible you are in trouble as it is circular which signifies a road traffic order. (A triangle signifies a warning)

  23. Failing to comply with a school crossing sign..code TS60=3 penalty points

  24. She gets ran over and you come back as a lollypop stick in your next life.

  25. yeah, once when my cousin got run over she tried to get compensation but later coudnt because there was a lollipop lady to offer her help, she didnt take it, thought she was too  old for her services. poor her. i think you will be in trouble but your license getting taken away is not right

  26. As far as I know....she's a civilian and has no authority to pull you over unless she is a police officer.

  27. explain the whole story to the judge.

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