
What happens if you leave a restaurant without paying?

by  |  earlier

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What happens if you sneak out of a restaurant without paying? How would they be able to catch you?




  1. Depends on the restaurant, some have cameras some don't. I can't believe people actually do this though. Maybe you need to get a job as a waitress and you will never leave a restaurant without paying again.

  2. oh:then you should washed all the plates

  3. OMG  that's called stealing from where I come from !

  4. Depending on the toughness og the managers - you could be sought out and arrested.  The old "dine and dash" is illegal.

  5. Depends on where you live. In my town, odds are that someone in the restaurant knows you!

    If they see you leaving, they can try to get your license number and call the police. It is, after all, a crime.

  6. You feel kinda bad about it the next day.....

  7. We get your licence plate number off the security camera and call the cops.

  8. Unless they had security cameras, or saw you leaving, they couldn't do anything.

  9. Lol....Did you leave a restaurant without paying? huh? lol.......i would think that a camera would have captured the person walking out on the check....and well eventually will catch the person and charge them with theft. That would be the obvious answer.

  10. It's called "Defrauding an Innkeeper" and its a Felony in may states.

    Plus............Karma WILL get you eventually.

  11. the waiter will run after you with the bill on his hand :) or you walk out unnotice hehehehe

  12. Cameras :P

  13. Now adays every resturant has video cameras, you just don't know it.  You would get caught for theft.

  14. nothing i do it all the time :)

  15. They'd check their security cameras.  Running out on a check is considered theft of services...   its kind of a big deal.  If you don't have the money,  just don't go out to eat.

  16. your guilt. :P

  17. it's called theft of services.  if they catch you doing it, either in person or on video, you'll probably get arrested if they call the police.

    what happens to your bill when you leave?  either the restaurant writes it off, or your server has to pay for it out of their tips.

    don't do it, its not cool.

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