
What happens if you leave trash in the apartment after you move?

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I'm moving and I dont have any help. Some of the things i need thrown away are way too heavy for me to carry..What will happen if I leave it in a pile inside the apartment and put "trash" next to it? Will I get a fine? The house is not damaged or anything its just the trash bags by the door.




  1. You will be charged a substantial clean-out fee. I charge $50/hour and I don't work fast. Better consult with your landlord before you move.

  2. Contact the apt. owner or manager and ask if this is OK.  Get it in writing.  Otherwise, you will be billed for labor to take care of it.

    You should ask some friends to help you and just take care of it.  Somehow it got in there so there must be a way to get it out.

  3. You will probably get a deduction from your security deposit if the landlord has to remove your trash for you.  Try finding a friend or two to give you a helping hand with some of the trash.

  4. your security deposit can get held. if the value of tossing stuff costs more, they can sue you  

  5. They might charge you for a haul-away, which would be deducted from your security deposit.  Could be about $25 and up, however much it costs to go to the dump in your area.

  6. It will be deducted from your security deposit, along with any other deductions they take.  It might be pretty pricey for the property manager to dispose of if you say they are heavy.

  7. Check your lease, but you might find that the owner does not return your security/damage deposit since he will either have to spend time or hire someone to clean up after you.

  8. Your landlord may charge you for the service of clearing out the apartment.  If you have a deposit, they may deduct some money for having to take out your trash.  

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