
What happens if you owe loads of money,say about 20, 000 and have no job, or possesions whatsoever?

by  |  earlier

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Oh, in England for about 2 years.




  1. GO BANKRUPT! you will get it done cheaper because i presume u are on benefits...Get a provident loan first to pay for it they dont credit check...then go bankrupt and include that debt in with ur others!!!!

    Sounds really harsh and unfair but i lost my job totally unexpectedly i had £22,500 of debt and had no choice but to go onto benefits as was a single parent at the time. I went bankrupt and was the best thing i have ever done it was like someone had taken a great big weight off shoulders... I wish u all the luck in the world.

  2. what state- to who- since when - more info-

  3. Oh my goodness! Who's that?

  4. you could declare yourself bankrupt maybe as a last resort. pop yourself to your local citizens advice bureau they can give you some brilliant advice. best of luck x x x

  5. I would have to ask how did you get into so much debt with nothing to show for it?

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