
What happens if you push the limit too much when running?

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I cant run well at all. I run maybe a 15 minute mile (most people can power walk faster than I can run). When I get tired, I feel like Im going to pass out and my legs are in excruciating pain, but my friends just tell me to keep going and push through it. Well, its hard to keep going when all my body's signals are telling me to stop.

So, perhaps I am indeed weak-willed, but what can actually happen if I do keep "pushing through it". Can I pass out? Can I just have a heart-attack and die? Will my legs just collapse from under me from lack of oxygen?




  1. When you feel like you hit the limit, osmetimes is scary cuz you dont wanna hurt your self, but honestly ive found that nothing break through the pain and feel fine..if your going all out then eventually you start to slow down becuase your legs are tired, but if its at the end of the race it doesnt matter..

    As runner, most of us are scared to go pass the limit,but you have to be comfortable with it if you want to be good..

    An example of this is Steve Prefontaine. The main reason he was good was because he could run through the pain, he ran without limits.

  2. Pushing the limit is important when running to be more competitive or lose weight.

    Every runner experiences the feeling of weakness near the end and especially after a long hard run, some more than others.  During most runs the hardest part is the warm up and -if running hard enough- the feeling of weakness right after running, not horribly uncommon for people to throw up after a hard race.

    You can pass out from running (happened to someone on our team somewhat recently) however passing out isn't usual as long as one properly hydrates and eats.

    Running can give you a heart attack, but heart attacks can happen during any activity.  If anything running or any activity raising your heart rate for a long period strengthens your cardiac system.  

    Your legs should be fine, albeit a bit sore, but if you warmed up and stretched properly, they should be alright.  I have the feeling you aren't warming up or stretching, that isn't good for your body.

    Probably the most dangerous thing for a runner is the risk of overheating/dehydration, but that is highly unlikely if you are drinking enough WATER.  One can die from overheating, but that happens in developed countries. Pericles (the original marathoner) died from overheating, however pericles ran 26 miles in full battle armor in a few hours.

    Humans are "born to run"(see article); running a 15 minute mile isn't really gonna do much of anything.

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