
What happens if you run out of money for the taxi?

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What happens if you run out of money for the taxi?




  1. You walk.

  2. u have to work for free

  3. Ask him to stop at an ATM and get some money out for him.

  4. give your id and take his information / job phone number or stop by at any atm

    dont run, you can get to gail for this.  and it can go on your crimal record. don't be stupid in NYC

  5. Ask him to stop give him what you have and leave

  6. flirt with him if ure a girl (wtf)

  7. Take a bus. They are usually cheaper. If you already in the taxi and realize you have no money, then explain to the driver your situation. Hopefully, they will understand.

  8. ask him to stop by a pedestrian alley and leg it.

  9. pull over get out and run!!!!! lol

  10. The question should be what would you think is fair in a reverse situation, you are committing premeditated taxi stiffing.

  11. I ran into that situation and they said "you know what, next time you ride with us(taxi) you pay double(which means this ride and the next ride). I'll let you go this time"

  12. well you could get arrested for defrauding and get

    a free ride in a nice black and white patrol

    to the local jail the good thing you wont have to pay for the patriol car ride! but you will find youself in a lot of trouble

    mostly taxis will aslo take credit cards as well

  13. Well  first  of  all  you  should  look  at  least  1 mile  ahead  in each  direction  and  once  the  taxi  stops   look out  one  more  time  and  ask  the  taxi  driver  if  he  has  change  for  a  hundred dollars  once  he  looks  for  the   change   run......  just  kidding ...Well  i don't   really  know  but  when   it  happens  to  you  please  post  your  experience......

  14. Not sure.  But I'll bet if you pull down your drawers and drop a deuce in the back seat you'll be told to get out in a hurry!

  15. You ask the driver to stop! Ask before you get in how much its going to cost. If you dont pay you might be arrested and prosecuted!

  16. Well, I dispatch for a cab company, there is no meters in my cabs, its flat rate.  You don't state if its a metered cab or flat rate, which means no meter in the cab, the dispatcher sets the rate for the ride.

    If there is a meter in the cab, then watch the meter,and when it reaches near what you have, then have the driver pull over to the side and pay.

    Now if its the flat rate like the cabs I dispatch for when you go to the window of the cab company or call for your pick up simply ask the dispatcher, how much it will cost. Then if you have $5.00 and it cost $6.00 the answer is obvious don't ya think?

  17. i've been to some countries where you negotiate with the taxi driver for the price to take you to your desired destination. there's no meter. that way you don't "run out" of money.

    if you're in a cab with a meter, you should be aware of how much money you've got and don't go further than what you can pay, or have the driver take you to an ATM so you can get more cash to pay.

  18. i would say to wait the cabbie outside my home & then would borrow from dad.

  19. try borrowing cash from the cabbie

  20. run away really fast and hope you dont get that guy next time you need a taxi

  21. ask him to stop at an atm and then run. at least it shows you were willing..

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