
What happens if you saw a dream 3 times in a row?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a dream that was somewhat random but also sort of expected. Is this dream going to come true? What scares me is that I want it to happen and not want to happen at the same time!! Please help!




  1. Definitely your subconscience is trying to tell you something. I have heard of people having precog visions in the form of dreams and I wouldn't deny that it could happen, but I'm not sure.  I wonder if you don't want it to happen because you're a bit scared of your dreams coming true?

  2. I heard its supposed to come true. I was scared cuz When I was a kid I kept having the same dream of riding my bike along a hill in back of our building and I started to fall and roll sideways still on the bike. But I didn't have a bike. So I was excited because I thought Oh my god I'm gonna get a bike! I'll just stay away from that hill!!  I never got a bike. Well not til I was 16 and we were already moved. Ths is a true story.

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