
What happens if you skin a person alive? Can the person live?

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If the person lives, how will the body heal?




  1. woah they might die of shock or whatever and they would have to put skin graphs on him and do a ton of surgerys..i mean the persong MIGHT live but he might just die from like blood loss

    scary thought....

  2. The human body would go into shock and die. The skin is our first line of defense of the immune system. With out skin, the body would be over exposed to bacteria and viruses.

  3. That sort of torture isn't popular, thank God! But we might take a hint from the experience with burn patients, who have essentially that happen with thermal injuries. Despite advances in care and special burn units that are very good at their work, the old rule of thumb still holds almost as true as it did decades ago: Age + % of the body surface gone=mortality rate. Tissue banks and cell cultures have made some inroads, but a total loss of the body's largest organ would be an impossible challenge even today. Keeping up with fluid and electrolyte balance is a big problem, nutrition is another, serious infections are inevitable, and grafting can only do so much even in less than total burns.

    This is not a far-fetched analogy, by the way. Some serious skin diseases like pemphigus occasionally require treatment in a burn unit precisely because so much of the intact skin surface is lost.

  4. with sedation and doctors and stuff, yes they can. be very painful but yes. that what happens with burn victims.

    without sedation and pain medication and other medicine, then they will die from lack of blood, a heart attack, or the pain.

  5. skin is a protection against bacteria and stuff

    that person most likely die because he doesnt have a barrier for his body

    for example if you burn your skin most people die not from the burnt skin

    but from the bacteria infection.

    i learned it from my bio teacher :)

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