
What happens if you spray something underwater?

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does it spread apart? or does it stay in the can due to pressure?




  1. it would probably stay in the can

  2. That depends on how deep you are, and what the pressure inside the can is.

    Let's say the can is pressurized to 100 psi (or more specifically, that the vapor pressure of the liquid propellant is 100 psi).  The water pressure is 100 psi at about 197 feet beneath the surface.  That means the can will work, but more and more weakly until you get to 197 feet.  Beyond that depth, opening the nozzle will cause water to enter the can.

  3. If the water you sprayed is denser than the water which you sprayed on, the water you sprayed will float.

  4. Modern aerosol cans use a pressure that's not much higher than atmospheric pressure, so you wouldn't need to go very deep before the water pressure was greater than the aerosol pressure.  Below that, water would enter the can rather than the bug poison come out.

    But even just below the surface, the liquid would come out but not mist.  The misting effect comes from two factors:  (1) high velocity through the small o*****e.  You won't get high velocity because the liquid immediately collides with the densely packed water molecules.  (2) mixing with air.  No air.

    As most of my answers to such hypothetical situations, it's an educated guess based on my knowledge of science plus some research.  I've never tried it, so I could be wrong.  You may have just discovered the key to a new chemical process or a new energy source.

  5. Spray works because of the pressure in the can is more than the pressure outside the can. The deeper you go into water, the more pressure there is, so the answer is---- it depends on how far under water you hold the spray can. It will probably spray and mix in with the water, and make some bubbles along the way unless you hold it WAY under the water.  

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