
What happens if you threaten to kill someone on IM and they call the police

by  |  earlier

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i didnt write it though someone hacked my AIM and they said that they would kill this girl who im not friends with and she thought it was me and called the police and they left me a cellphone voilcemail




  1. id find out who did it then most likely that person will go to jail

  2. don't sweat, who cares.  did u do any harm, except u said it.  u can't be arrested for saying " I am gonna kill you shannon" there happy now, will both enjoy life

  3. Well, all Internet and EMail and IM and all that stuff is under federal law. If this is all a true story then I would return the voicemail and explain that you were not the person who sent this illegal threat over the Internet. You need a tighter firewall and a better password and this is a good example of the purpose of a good firewall and good security on your computer.

  4. 1 get a new pass word on aim an a attorney  just in case you need his help  

  5. then u go to jail. oh well.


    making threats to kill in form is a serious offence (6 months or fine) you will most likely get a caution if this is your first time.

    TWO OPTIONS for you

    if you say your account was hacked as you say it was, im sure the police will be able to find out. then your story is safe

    possible defences to this is say it was a prank as you dont even know who she is and you done it as a dare

    or she provoked you by threating you and swearing at you and you reacted like this.

  7. Nothing.

    Do not speak to the police under any circumstances. They are not your friends. They will use every word against you. I suggest seeing a criminal defense lawyer to review your status.  

  8. I highly doubt the police would leave you a voicemail.  You're probably the butt of a practical joke.  If you were in serious trouble, the police would have called your parents at the least.  How would the cops even get your cell number???

  9. i think that if you can prove that it wasn't you you're all good, but if they don't believe you its probably up to the girl who was threatened to decide whether she wants to do something about it or not

  10. Tell the turth? They don't have proof you said that YOURSELF. unless if you did.  

  11. Uh, bye bye you possibly. Unless you can prove it was your friend, then your in the clear but good luck.

  12. I think it's a felony, or something close to it.

    The person, or your account, threatened to violently approach someone.

    Tell your parents.

  13. I am sure the police will be able to tell if your AIM was hacked or not.

  14. you'll get in big sh*t. IM or real life it doesnt matter to threaten someone like that

  15. HAH! thats hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!  if you just explain what happened i'm sure they'd understand

  16. You can go to jail!!

    Seriously =0

  17. if you admit it was're in trouble...if you say it wasn't might get out of it

  18. If someone has hacked your aim then if they are really serious about pressing charges then they will investigate and find out who did it. More than likely it was someone you know. They probably just give you a warning.

  19. LOL at "hacked my IM" LOL

    If you threaten someone, no matter where or how, with death then

    1 you are a coward.

    2 you should go to jail

  20. If they hacked it, then it wasn't from your computer and their processor serial number left the footprints for the cops to follow.  If you didn't do it, stand by your assertion that you didn't do it.  If you are a minor, let your parents say nothing to the cops.  If you are not a minor, then you say nothing to the cops.  Make them do their own work.

  21. That doesnt sound too good....

    just as long as ur sure it wasnt u, then the situation is getting better. Just let that girl know that someone hacked, say sorry and that you had no idea until u got this voicemail from the police!

  22. get used to the bars

  23. They will be found, and arrested.

  24. then ur screwed

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