
What happens if you use your debit card and the clerk swipes it as if it were credit?

by  |  earlier

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so u walk into a store u get something thats lets say 10$ the clerk swipes it as if it was credit but its debit

what happens do they charge you different?




  1. Nope. It's exactly the same. Where I work, we charge everything as credit. The only difference is you don't have to enter your PIN.

  2. it still comes out of your debit account. the only difference is they may want a signature. so far as i know anyway.

  3. its the same as charging debit

  4. At my bank, if I use debit card as credit card, I don't get charged the monthly fees that would be charged if I use it as a debit card.  However, the way the money is taken out of your account is the same.

  5. You can use your debit card just like a credit card at most places that accept credit cards.  Check with your bank, though.  They may charge different fees for different actions.  For example, my bank charges a fee if I use my card as a debit card, but it's free if I use it as a credit card.  Guess what?  I ALWAYS use it as a credit card!  :)

  6. You sign instead of type in your PIN.  It is a little less secure because the clerk doesn't check your signature very well, but it is all the same.

    The store might pay a different interchange fee with the credit/debit card folk, but it doesn't affect you at all.

    If you are using a debit card and you want it used that way, you can request a debit transaction.  There are purchase benefits that your bank provides in terms of disputed transactions and how quickly they have to refund your money.  But check with your bank on the specifics.  Debit card users have more rights when using it as a debit card than when using it as a credit card.

    PIN don't sign....

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