
What happens if you were to alcohol?

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Sounds like a stupid question but im just curious to know what it would do. I mean if you put it into the freezer.




  1. Carbonated drinks (beer, champagne, etc.) might explode and will likely freeze, just like a coke would.

    Liquors generally just get a lot colder but normally don't freeze.

    Sugary liquors might freeze just a little bit.

    Basically, if you think it may be even slightly carbonated just put it in the refrigerator.

    Freezer-ed liquors, however, tend to go down quite a bit more smoothly.

  2. Okey well, alcohols often have an odor described as 'biting' that 'hangs' in the nasal passages. The consumption of large doses results in drunkenness or intoxication (which may lead to a hangover as the effect wears off) and, depending on the dose and regularity of use, can cause acute respiratory failure or death and with chronic use has medical repercussions. Because alcohol impairs judgment, it can often be a catalyst for reckless or irresponsible behavior.

    it is also best to drink alcohol when its chilled. but dont drink too much.

    and if you put it in the freezer it will still be liquid. prolonged storaged in the freezer will only solidify it, but it takes alot of time for it to be solid.

  3. If the alcohol is carbonated (i.e. beer, malt liquor, etc.), it will generally cause the glass to shatter or the liquid to foam out as it freezes.

    With non-carbonated alcohol (liquors, etc.), it will just make them colder. Some people prefer to have their liquors in the fridge before making mixed drinks etc.

  4. Most alcohol in the freezer just gets cold, unless it has a very high sugar content in to. then it will get a bit sluggish.

    Yes beer, wine, champangene will all freeze. I t didnt even think about those, I was thinking more of the lines of liquor.

  5. Beer, wine (I think) and pre mixed drinks (like cruisers etc) will freeze, and generally the bottle will smash.

    Spirits just get super cold. Vodka is meant to be kept in the freezer anyway, so it won't do it any damage.

  6. champagne (12.5%) starts to freeze within 2 hours. tins of beer, etc (4%) explode. vodka might be ok. (40%) and shcnapps (20%) in between champagne & vodka.. might be good for 4 hours or so?

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