
What happens if you were to fail a drug test in the USA after smoking Marijuana in Amsterdam?

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Someone asked me this the other day and I really had no strong answer. I know its completely up to the employer regarding what they test for and how they handle it, but isn't the idea to catch the use of illegal subtances that would alter your work performance? If you use the drug in Amsterdam where it is tolerated, shouldn't that be reasonable?




  1. if you are going to apply for a job after smoking pot regardless if you had visited amsterdam that is pointless you are STUPID!!!

  2. No a drug is a drug is a drug.  If you want to smoke legally then you should go back to Amsterdam.   (I think there's a song about this.)

  3. Smoke all you want in Amsterdam.... but when you come home to the US, your system needs to be clear.

    "Drug use" is a INDICATION of the quality of the character of person you are hiring/employing, and a sign of how RELIABLE that person's judgment will be.    

    If you want to keep your job, you are expected to be DRUG FREE.  The fact that it is not "illegal where you physically smoked it" is completely irrelevant.

    What about this is so hard to understand?

  4. Actually, there are already incidents on the books where people have lost a job after a drug test that showed them having smoked marijuana, even though they did it in a country where it is legal.  Unfortunately, there are those like the answer above me who believe that the use of recreational drugs means you're not a worthy person.  They do not however object to the use of alcohol, and would not refuse to hire anyone who drank.  Surprise, surprise!

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