
What happens in a group interview?

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I recently applied for a street fundraiser job and got a call inviting me for a group interview next week. This job would involve me stopping people in the street and asking them to donate monthly to a chosen charity via debit. So what can I expect from this group interview? What will I need to know and what should I prepare? Is it a good idea to learn about the charities beforehand? It would be great if you could answer all that and give me any other useful information.




  1. Please don't go for this job. They annoy the h**l out of me. Charities,i'm afraid, earn alot of money. Most of which ends up back in the post to people they are trying to get to donate.The amount of times i've received 1p & 2p in the envelopes,i can't tell you. One charity earnt 2 billion pounds last year!! Then there's the phone calls you get,it all adds up.

  2. I tell you one thing, try and remember everyone's name you are up against as this is likely something they will be looking out for.

    Good luck.

  3. Yes it would be a good idea to look up the charities on the internet and see what they actually do. A group interview is an interview in a group with other people who are also applying for the job. You will probably have to introduce your self, maybe explain a little about yourself, interests, hobbies etc. and you may be expected answer questions. Try to be the first person to speak out and answer questions because if the job is about approaching people you will need to show that you have self confidence.  

  4. I'm assuming you will all be competing for the job.. or this could just be an easier way of doing it for them if their is alot of applicants.

    Just be confident and yourself.. considering its approaching people in the street i'd put yourself forward if they ask for volunteers (to do examples and stuff).

    It is very important you research some charities (preferably the one you will be trying to get people to donate to).. this could come in use when they ask you questions, perhaps even making you stand out more and more appropriate for the job.

    Try you're best, be friendly, act confident thats all the tips I can give you - but i'd be thankful for the group interview as personally I find them alot easier and less daunting.

    Good luck.

  5. normally in a group interview the interviewers are looking for certain things:  who is a leader and jumps up and volunteers or takes control of the conversations, who are the followers and sit back and let others take over, who are the combative ones who fight for a voice, and who are the mousy ones who just sit.

    if this is for a street fundraiser position you need to be one who leads but without running over others.  they want to see that you can approace others but not be rude.

    you need to know all about the charities so if anyone ask questions you can answer them honestly and with great information.

    good luck.

  6. You do not need anything at all. Group Interviews are NOT interviews in the conventional sense - they get a group together, give them a big spiel on how much money they can make and take everyone one - on commission only.

    Being a paid street Fund Raiser barely rates as a job never mind a career and has got to be as near the bottom of the barrel as you can get job wise.

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