
What happens in california if a person has in their home a loaded unregistered handgun?

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what would happen in the state of california. and its not anything illegal. its just a regular loaded handgun.

what would happen to the person if they were caught?

also what would happen if the person were to shoot an intruder with it?




  1. Hmm not too sure..

    But I know down in Florida, they set a new law saying that if someone is on your property, and you kill them it's under a self-defense law, you don't get any charges because you were defending yourself, and I think it's legal in Fl. to have a registered handgun..

    I know when I lived in Ga. it was actually mandatory that you have a gun in posession..We'd have officers come door to door to see if you had a registered gun or not.

    I found this site.. It's for the state of Cali..

    I saw "possessing a gun" in there..So I'm guessing that's a no? Maybe you can decipher for yourself.

    Hope it helps!

  2. That I know of - nothing - as long as the gun is registered to you and there is proof of intrusion/robbery/self defense - otherwise, you may go to jail for murder.

  3. As long as the gun isn't stolen and the owner isn't prohibited from owning a gun absolutely nothing will happen. If the owner is involved in a shooting which is ruled justifiable then the gun must be returned to the owner.

    BTW to previous posters, possession of an "unregistered handgun" in not a Felony in California or at the Federal Level.

    Cal DOJ  no longer even has complete records for registered handguns here and Federal Law does not require a handgun to be registered in the 1st place.  I have handguns in my collection that were war trophies brought home by my dad which are completely legal and completely unregistered

  4. Being in possession of an UN registered handgun is a Federal offense and could/would be tried in a Federal Court. Due to the privileges of the Constitution no member of law enforcement can come into your home without 'probable cause' and/or a warrant based on 'probable cause'.

    If you were to shoot an intruder with an unregistered handgun in your own home you would have to face the charges that come with being in possession of an unregistered handgun and unless the intruder was threatening your life and/or assaulting you with a deadly weapon the use of fatal force could result in state and federal charges of manslaughter and/or murder.

    This is all based on the assumption that you are 21 or older...if you are younger than 21 you are in violation of several more state and federal laws.

  5. You must have a handgun inaccessible to children.  Of course, that means it's inaccessible to you also.  If you are caught they would take the gun and arrest you.  You probably wouldn't spend time in jail unless a child did get hold of it, but you probably would lose the gun and possibly your right to keep guns.

    There are quick access locked cases.  Some mount under tables.

    Of course all of this is unconstitutional but California politicians are more criminal than most.  They belong in prison themselves and if I ever get an army together, they will be there at least for fraud, extortion and embezzling.

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