
What happens in lazer eye surgery!?

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  1. it tries to position your eye components (retina / cornea, etc) in correct positions in order for you to have perfect vision.

    to do this, it uses a "laser" to burn tissues that obstruct your retina's position. they are then moved / resized to proportional positions and sizes. as a result, u get 20/20 vision 8-D

  2. they correct something in the eye and its a fast process

  3. Laser eye surgery

    Although the terms Laser Eye Surgery and Refractive surgery are commonly used as if they were interchangeable, this is not the case. Lasers may be used to treat nonrefractive conditions (e.g. to seal a retinal tear), while radial keratotomy is an example of refractive surgery without the use of a laser.

  4. they use a laser.... On your eye.... hence laser eye surgery

  5. There are a few types of lazer eye surgery.

    If you are referring to corrective lazer eye surgery where they correct your myopia, it refers to using of laser beams to burn patterns in your cornea to reshape it so that the images that you see gets clearly focused onto the back of your retina.

    Traditional Lasik Operation where they cut your cornea:

    During the surgery, they cut a flap on your cornea (a little like slicing an orange almost all the way, but your corena is very soft). The surgeon then flips open the "cap" and uses the laser beams to burn patterns onto your cornea. After that, he disinfects the cornea and flips the "cap" back on. The cap will heal in a few days but you will have blur vision for a while and in a few months it will be completely healed.

    The Newer Lasik Surgery:

    The latest technology of laser surgery does not require cutting open of the cornea, they just use multiple beams of lower strenght from different angles to focus under the surface of the cornea so it burns bubbles under the cornea. Because there is no slicing of hte cornea, chances of infection is much lower (which is the highest risk of anything going wrong for a lasik operation). Healing time is also said to shortened.

    My wife and I did the traditional lasik about half-year ago and we are both ok now just some dryness now and then but we do not need glasses now.

    I do not know of any one who did the bubble thing but generally you should wait a few years for the technology to stablise before going for it, just like upgrading to the newest version of windows or microsoft word.


  6. Here is a video showing what happens:

    There is also a video about the femtosecond laser:

  7. Ignore nnik......

    I had several tiny blood vessels bleeding inside one of my eyes. The put the drops into my eye, to open the pupil.  Once done, they moved the laser machine up to my eye.....and they would shoot laser beams into the eye ball, to zap the tiny vessels and stop the bleeding.

    It lasted about 10-15 minutes.  They zapped about 20 tiny vessels.  This happened about 8 yrs ago.  I have not had any problems since.  I waited until the drug/drops wore off, and drove home (30 miles) with no problems.

    The lasers are used for other eye problems too, but it beats the old days where they had to actually cut into the eye

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