
What happens in the twilight series. Everyone is talking about it. Is it good? ?

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What happens in the twilight series. Everyone is talking about it. Is it good? ?




  1. AWESOME BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if u are romance lover u'll adore the book

    if you're a fantasy and fiction lover you'll fall in love with everything about it

    if you're a drama lover as well you'll simply just won't be able to lift your gaze off the book

    if you're a horror lover you'll get too absorbed you might forget your own life

    if you're a thrilling supernatural lover you'll be fascinated by the overwhelming feeling you'll have that you won't be able to breathe

    if you're a girl (which u are haha) you'd truly loooooveeee the characters especially one you'll know in an instant (and sometimes boys do too)

    the book is a phenomenon and i think i got you a pretty gud idea on how you'll feel when reading this just UTTER AMAZING BOOK!!!!

  2. I want to make this perfectly clear. I read these books before everyone on yahoo! answers got twilight crazy. I thought they were decent, but afterward I realized this was not the case. Stephenie Meyer is a mediocre writer at best. There are much better books out there and these are most definitely not on some sort of a "must read" list. The plot lines are pretty dull and ridiculous at points and it seemed at the end Meyer was just sick of writing everything. Breaking Dawn was probably one of the worst books I've ever read. Not exaggerating. It was terrible. So, in answer to your question, no the saga is not good and I hope you don't read it. There are better things out there.

  3. Its awsome, just go read it, my sister made me read it, and when she first gave me the book I was like uh vampire love story? LAME, I started reading it and finished with the first 2 within a week, I didnt wanna leave the house it was so good! I have all 4 books and have read all of them 3 times or more, seriously go read them, chances are at least one of your friends has the first book, so you can probably borrow one!

  4. It's not good. Great story concept, but very, very poor execution. The main characters aren't constant (they're completely out of character in book four), the writing is bad, there are plot holes because the author didn't plan out the story, the main characters are annoying (the female lead is a doormat and the male lead is abusive), she ruined my favorite character (Jacob Black) in book four, and everybody has a happy ending in the fourth book. As in, no sacrifices, no nothing. Everyone gets exactly what they want. And it's complete rubbish. I don't recommend it.

  5. I started reading the books because everyone on here said it was good.

    I thought they were all silly for getting so involved with a book, but I'm now one of THEM.  And I've been pushing it on my friends.

    Friends don't let friends do Twilight alone.  It's like a drug.

  6. Oh yes it's very good! Here is some links to the first chapter of each book.


    New Moon


    Breaking Dawn*

    you're going to love this series! Stephanie Meyer has changed everything about vampires. Vampires aren't the afraid-fire-live-in-coffins thing anymore.

    Happy reading! :)

    *Best books.

    Oh! And before I forget, this is the series in order:


    New Moon


    Breaking Dawn

    Midnight Sun (coming out soon.)

  7. It is a vampire and human love story... They shouldn't be togethter but they are cause they can't live with out each other.  It is kinda hard to explain without giving anything away.  I recommend you read like the 1st chapter and if you don't like it then you can stop but by the end of the 1st chapter i was really into the book.  It isn't one of those books that start really slow.

  8. are you asking for spoilers? =O

    well basically its like a vampire - human love story... read it yourself!! its good!

  9. h**l TO THE YES.

    It's a vampire love story.

    Human girl falls in love with a gorgeous, s**y vampire and he does everything in his power to resist the temptation of her delicious blood!

    It's the best book ever!

    Hope I helped :)

  10. the series is awesome!  i'm not telling you what happens because when the books were written they are written in first person and your supposed to be able to be surprised when things happen as the main character is. its about a vampire that lives in a vampire family that falls in love with a human girl (its from the human girls perspective). The whole story isn't all ooie gooie though. There is some blood and action in them (duh its about vampires!) u gotta read them to get it. they're, in my opinion, the best books i've ever read.


    its basically about a human girl that falls in love with a vampire boy and he loves her back. Even though he loves her he dosnt want to be with her because since he is a vampire he drinks blood and her blood is the most appeling to him. Its exactly his brand of heroin and so the more hes around her the more he wants to drink her blood and so he wants to leave her so he dosnt kill her cause he loves her. And his vampire family who none of them are related cause they are all "adopted" (found in weird plces and turned into vampies) there awesome!! i love his family haha!!

  12. It's more than good! It's the best series of books in the whole universe! Absolutely amazing! All my friends read the series and I was really critical about it saying that it was complete rubbish - however, I got my hands on the books in the summer holidays and read the first 3 in less than a week! The 4th book came out and I read it before any of my friends. I am a complete Twilight fanatic and they are seriously amazing. The 4th book really rounds it off and no, its not dull or boring -it's GREAT with a really good plot line.

    You find yourself actually being the characters and getting emotionally involved with the story. You feel as if it COULD actually happen and you laugh, cry, smile and relate to all of the Cullens, Jacob and especially Bella. You will adore these books!

    Really, truthfully and honestly, you should read them. They are the best books in the world and I love them and re-read them all the time. It is so much more intricate than just a love story - it is so good that you will never want to put the books down. Trust me - read them and you will see.


    You will fall head over heels for Edward - this I can promise you. Order them off the internet or go to your nearest bookstore NOW.

    Nobody should miss out on them - they are FANTASTIC!


    -New Moon


    -Breaking Dawn

    -*Midnight Sun* - unconfirmed (Twilight in Edwards point of view).

    And the movie is due to come out in November - best books ever - read them and you will know what you have been missing out on for so long! x  

  13. I enjoyed reading Twilight so i definetly think you should go for it! ! There is a lot of magic in the book plus there are other books in the saga!

    Here is just a little bit about the book & see if you like it or not =)

    Twilight Little Summary (Not Giving Anything Major Away):

    This book is about Isabella Swan, who moves from Arizona Phenoix to live with her dad, Charlie for a bit, so that her mother, Renée, can travel with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a minor league baseball player.

    Bella isn't all that excitied to be living in Forks because she hates it there! Its rainy and gloomy, not her typical place.

    She attends a school of Forks and is the curiosity of many people in the school on her first day. But when sitting next to Edward Cullen in class on the first day of school everything changes.

    She discoveres that he has a negative attidude inflicted upon her. He seemed quite tense. But all that changed after he saved her displaying some type of supernatural ability. Bella changes her prespective on him and is more curious then ever to find out more about him.

    I don't want to give this book away.. which is why you should give it a read =)

    Here are the books in the twilight saga (ordered):


    2. New Moon

    3. Eclipse

    4. Breaking Dawn

    5. Midnight Sun (It's Twilight, but in another characters prespective)

    And yes you should definetly read them in order because that's how it's meant to be read. Or else you will probably be really confussed lol!

    My favourite book out of the whole Twilight saga was Twilight because it all started from there and the magic was really shown in that one. It is really hard to choose a favourite though:P

    You should definetly give this book a read it you liked that little summary that I gave. If you like a good story and a romantic, action filled, §weet novel this is the book for you! So yeah it's defiently worth it =)

    What Are You Waiting For?....

    I Hope This Helped!

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