
What happens next when a player in pool pots his own and opponent's ball at the same shot?

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What happens next when a player in pool pots his own and opponent's ball at the same shot?




  1. As long as you are playing Ball in Hand rules or call your pocket rules its still your shot.  Some bar bums or old guys might try to tell you thats not how they used to play back in the day.  Just kindly tell them its not back in the day anymore and to check out a rule book.

  2. Depends on the rules where you are playing. We always played that if you shoot and you get your ball in the hole and an opponents you get another turn just as if you only hit your ball in. The opponent is just lucky you hit his in...

  3. Good luck for opponent

  4. He goes again and the shot from him that got the other guys ball in helps him too.

  5. If its on the break off shot the player who pots both balls gets the choice,thereafter it would be a foul and two shots to the apponent.

  6. You call your ball and make it on a good hit it doesn't matter if you make all of his no penalty and it is still your shot

    If you make the 8 -Pay up you just lost

  7. you hit each other wiv cues put balls in hole sthen take it outside what ever ball went down hole first count then as you potted ther ball to you then mis nxt go haha

  8. Johnny got it right.  As long as you make a legal hit and pocket the ball that you called, it doesn't matter if you pocket your opponent's ball, either before or after yours.  You keep shooting.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

    P.S. Just a little bit of 8-ball strategy to add.  A lot of people are mistaken in believing that pocketing your opponent's ball is helping them out.  All that does in help clear the path for the shooter to pocket more of their own balls.  Having balls on the table is usually a good thing when your opponent is shooting.

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