
What happens of McCain dies of old age...?

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before the election? Will Palin receieve the GOP nomination and then be able to choose her running mate, or would they need to choose someone else all together?




  1. It'll be the happiest day of my life.

  2. This question is akin to asking what if obama dies of lung cancer before the election as both could happen! I would assume that palin would then choose a VP!

  3. HAHA! i thought the same thing! WOO! Thats funny, at least im not the only one who thinks about that old f**t dying!

    Obama, or perhaps hillary will come back?

    hmm, interesting.

  4. He won't die before the election.

    Folks who push thumbs down have no real power otherwise.  Have fun.

  5. vote Obama. you don't have to deal with dieing of old age.

    lol Obama is better anyway.  a lot.

  6. good grief dont you guys pay attention in history class.? the vice president takes over.  

  7. We'd have a decent, qualified and competent woman in the White House - something that should please liberals. However, we know they wouldn't be pleased, because she's a decent woman who stands for noble causes (unlike Hillary or Michelle Hussein Obama).

  8. He won't die he will turn into a tree

  9. good question.

    I think then they run someone else in the party

  10. He can't die of old age, he would have to have something wrong with him and the doctors say his is fine. As to what would happen if he died from any cause, the GOP would have to find, vote on and put another person on the ballot. The trick is whoever would have to be someone who has already qualified for this election.

    Not much to choose from is there?  

  11. she would do it i think  AND

    he wont die of old age

  12. dont care vote for obama

  13. No they will give it to  Obama its all about the oil.

  14. President Obama

  15. A fine conservative then will take over!

    And if McCain dies of old age or another reason, a foot in the mouth elitist would take over.


  16. She won't because he won't win. But she WILL come to my bedroom! Oooh Yeeeeah!

  17. His VP would become to GOP nominee.  

  18. No worries about that, but if it happened she would be able to take up the position just as well as Obama...

  19. VP becomes the new candidate.  McCain is a tough guy though.  He's got alot of years left in him.

  20. McCain is fine, don't let your heart be troubled.  I think Palin may assume the nomination but party rules may say differently..

  21. The body dies and th spirit lives forever.

  22. Scary thought either way.

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