
What happens on a cruise if it rains???

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I am leaving on sunday for a 7 day cruise..and when i checked the weather on the weather channel website it says RAIN!!! for every port on the days we willbe there?? What happens to the excursions??? hows the boat when it rains??? Are there alternative plans???




  1. Take your checkers board and snakes-n-ladders.

  2. Excursions can get cancelled due to weather or not enough signed up for it.  As far as the ship goes, the staff social hosts/entertainment hosts will organize functions to try to keep the passengers occupied.

  3. On the cruise you can either hang inside, there is always something to do, or go out into the rain. The excurtions will needed to be called upon in advanced. Different excurtions will go out in the rain, others wont. Pack an umbrella.

  4. It rained several years ago when I went to Mexico on a cruise.  It was only for the one night however.  Great fun to watch everyone dancing - all would rock to one side of the dance floor, and then all would swoosh back over to the other side slamming into one another.

  5. Stay on board and drink heavily.

  6. You get wet if you go out without an umbrella

  7. The excursions go on as planned unless it is one that would definitely be affected by the rain. Make sure you carry a poncho or umbrella. Also if it rains too hard the tenders may not be able go back and forth to the ship. That happened to my friends and I, and we ended up standing in the cold rain for over an hour waiting for it to die down.

  8. Nothing really happens except that the boat will rock alot and you have to stay indoors. At the ports, I'm not sure. You could call ad ask your travel agent or find a FAQ for the cruise line. Good Luck and Stay dry!

  9. 1st of all the weather channel is generic.

    Find a local TV cast with local weather.

    I too have checked the weather channel only to find out that the local network had a different outlook.

    Enjoy your cruise!

  10. The route of a cruise is through areas that geographically and historically NEVER get rain.

    OK, I don't know, but I have heard that one thing about a cruise is boredom, and if that strikes you just have to sit out the whole cruise. Can't go anywhere!

  11. =O

    Dance in the rain!!!!

    Dude, take advantage of it while you can!

    A lot of fun things happen in the rain. =]

  12. you get wet

    the cruise line is not responsible for the weather, they may or may not have alternate planes, it will depend on many things, not just rain, bring ponchos ahead of time as you don't want to know how much they cost later!

    it is all part of any vacation you plan ahead, our last cruise was in Sept and most of the schedule was changed due to storm damage, but we knew that was the risk of booking in hurricane season, we just made the best of it.

    and there is plenty to do inside the ship, and on the Carnival Glory one of the decks had retractable roof that did come in handy when it did rain!

  13. you get rained on

  14. might get your hair wet thats all lol theres so much to do on inside a cruise ship don't worry lol!

  15. Ive had it rain twice. The first cruise we hung out in the bar which I dont recommend with rough seas ( if you think a hangover sucks try it with rough seas). That entire crusie had iffy weather but we still had an awsome time. My last cruise rained the last day and into arrival into Miami. We found deck chairs under an awning , got a book and just hung out. There are activities on the ship and if you gamble try to save your cash for the chance of bad weather. Have fun

  16. I have been on a cruise when it rained a lot, the excursions went on as planned except those that relied on good weather, swimming etc: The organisers will not cancel until the last possible moment and will try to offer alternative excursions.

    If it was a day at sea the activities were transferred inside or if they couldn't be transferred they were cancelled and something else announced.

    I haven't experienced weather bad enough to miss ports, but if the weather is really bad, the ship will stay at sea and miss as many ports of call as necessary until the weather is better.

  17. some times it only will rain for a short period of time than stop, if it is  going to harm anyone on borad like lightning and such the boat will not go to those ports. meaning if they knowthat there will be high winds in that area like when we went to i think cayman one time a few yrs. back they did not dock there and went onto the next port oeople were mad and they gave them their money back for that port. but mostly if it is save you can go just that you will get wet. always carry a hat or jacket . we went to new orleans yrs. ago before the floods and got soak we both looked like my hubby and i entered a wet tee shirt contest. lol. and that was not too much of a pretty site  to see. there is a lot of things they have to offer if the rains comes  but if you paid and dont go than you will miss out  .

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