
What happens on the final show of ufc don't care who wins just the bit about who was in the car plz?

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can't wait for sat'day to find out




  1. I am pretty sure it is p**s hisself Jesse Taylor.... I hope they put Matt Brown back in the mix.... I think Jesse Taylor gets drunk and acts a fool just like he did last time!

  2. i watched the clip over and over IN COLOR and im going to say the blurred pixelated person in my opinion without a doubt is indeed Jessie Taylor.

  3. What I found hilarious is that all you people come on here saying oh it's Jesse, he's a drunk, and pisses on himself, and bla-bla,bla...I'll bet a million bucks that not one of you knows Jess in real life. If you did you'd know that he doesn't drink like that. He drank like what, one time on the whole show? And all of you think he's a drunk? What idiots! And NO he doesn't get thrown off the show. It's waaaay bigger than that. You'll all see for yourselves this Wed. Hahahaha.....

  4. Think its gonna be jesse...He is mental when drunk and deserves to be booted off for his poor behaviour

  5. cb said in his blog that his fight with amir is a all out war. i hope amir wins. thats my pick from the begining.

    yeah i hope it lives up to it's hype.

    also tim's blog said that ufc is pretty much did not hype it as it should be he said no one should miss. it. zuff under hyped it and now it's more crazy.

  6. Jesse Taylor gets drunk and kicks 2 windows out of a limo.

    He gets kicked off the show and out of the finale.  He proves again that he's a jerk.

    Amir and CB fight.  (I can't say who wins.)

    Tim Credeur comes back to fight the winner of the CB/Amir fight.


    Jesse gets kicked off the show for kicking out the limo window and harrasing the female hotel guests.

    Amir Sadollah beats CB Dolloway in the semis via armbar

    Tim Credur gets called back to fight CB Dolloway to determin who will face Amir in the final after Jesse got kicked off.

    CB beats Tim via unanimous decision!

    FINAL: Amir Sadollah Vs. CB Dolloway 2!

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