
What happens on your first kiss?

by Guest44644  |  earlier

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this boy im going out with said he was gonna kisss me tomorrow and thats FRIDAY! im nervous ans heck..its my first kiss ever! its probably just gonna be a peck but ya know! im nervous lol! how do i make this nervousness go away?? and what if i make a fool out of myself some how??




  1. just think, he might not even kiss you.

    maybe he will get too nervous.

    so just chill and not think about it.

  2. it depends on where it is and whats goin on and stuff

  3. You won't. it's really easy,and fun lol. You should like it. If you don't, break up with him, you don't have good chemistry

  4. nothing

  5. i know how u feel i was so scared to have my first kiss but just try to relax and even if its horrible just laugh it off. plus theres always the second kiss to make it better. i hope this helps

  6. i bumped teeth with my first kiss and had to go to the dentist.......then the next kiss i had she threw up in my mouth because she was drunk

  7. Your nervousness is typical.  He's probably just as nervous, but he'll never show it.  Eventually, you won't be nervous anymore.  

  8. just wait until he kisses you. who cares wat happens next lol

  9. Just dont worry about it, everyone goes through this, EVERYONE.

    Let him do his thing, then when you guys stop be cute. Smile and

    look down, haha, i always do that.(;

  10. take a deep breath and enjoy...

  11. 1.I got hit by a bus

    2. His breath smelled bad

    3. He asked me for s*x

    4. Now I am prego with 8 kids

  12. First always make sure you have fresh breath. Then if it were me I would tell him that this is your first kiss, and that you want it to be special. If he respects you he will take it nice and slow...

  13. kissing is fun,just enjoy it with all your heart

  14. dont be nervous

    it will go absolutly fine.

    just act like you never knew he was going to kiss you

  15. it's usually awkward

  16. nothing unless u feel spaRks

  17. If he tries to slip you the tongue punch him in the gonads.

  18. whatever happens,happens

  19. ur supposed to s***w up ur probably bump noses but ull b ok

  20. lol

  21. You are gonna be nervous, but if you really want to kiss him then you will be happy! it will be awkward but, so totally cute, because you remember it forever! GOOD LUCK GIRL!

  22. I DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

    sorry I am only 13

  23. Relax he will probably chicken out. The first kiss should not be planned like him saying it is going to be at 4:23 PM on Friday August 15! It should just happen! Do you want him to kiss you?

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