
What happens right before you go to sleep?

by Guest56559  |  earlier

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Like when I wake up, why cannot I not remember anything I was thinking right before I fell asleep. Why can't we remember that moment when we go to sleep?




  1. Thats exactly what I always think of and it causes insomnia for me, lol.  I think why can't I remember when I fell asleep? Its weird.  I think of it so much sometimes that I can't fall asleep.  

  2. Your body slowly shuts down voluntary movements like your muscles

    relax and sometimes you will jerk a foot or leg or something that is

    just a reaction to the relaxation.The brain waves start to change going into sleep patterns leading into deeper unconsciousness and into

    REM sleep. that is why we don't remember what we were thinking

    just before we dropped off.  

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