
What happens the first day of college?

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I am going to Lehman College, Will I start work right away or not.

What is a syllabise?

What Materiels should I use in college, like school supplies?

I just want to start off well for college. Thank you for all your help.




  1. College is not like High School. The first day the professor introduces himself/herself, reads the syllabus (which basically is a paper with all the rules, schedules, text book, professor contact info, etc.), talks a little bit about the material that will be covered the semester and starts teaching right then. Most of the time you won't have homework, except for math, but that doesn't mean that you should lack off, beware of the subject w/o hw, those are probably the ones that you would have to study for the most. About the supplies, just wait until you have gone to all of your classes and don't buy anything out front because every professor requires different supplies and things that you have never heard of before. Don't worry about that, the people at the book store would help you. My tips for you are:

    1. Go to class

    2. Study for your tests

    3. Go to class

    4. Whenever there are extra points, do the work and get them, they will help you at the end of the semester.

    5. Go to class (The reason I am saying this many times is because most of the information that you will need to know for the test are given in class, even is the lectures are online).  

  2. Best thing to do academically is go to all of your classes first BEFORE you buy supplies. They will tell you exactly what you need in terms on textbooks, writing tools, etc within the first week or so on a "Syllabus."

    Also I think college is a great place to start building your social network, whether it is just to hang out with friends, or future references when you graduate. So start early, get involved with on campus activities, and you will be ahead of many other freshmen students. Good Luck!

  3. The first day of class you can expect your instructor(s) to review the syllabus. I've heard the description that a syllabus is sort of like a contract between the instructor and students - and I like that.

    A syllabus gives you very important information including

    * the course info: title, meeting time and place, purpose/overview, schedule (for reading, assignments, tests), required texts, policies (for late work, attendance & participation, tests, etc.)

    * the professor's info: name, e-mail, office, office hours, phone

    The syllabus is VERY important - so keep it in a safe place!

    Other first day activities: introductions (varies by the size of the class and instructor), attendance (again, depends on class), and an intro to the course. Instructors often just review the syllabus and textbooks and explain what you can expect from the course (the material that will be covered, how much work you will need to do, any projects/tests you will have, the way the course will be taught). The first day is really important so make sure you're attentive and on time! Some teachers even jump right into lecture. You will likely have homework beginning on the first day.

    All you really need for college supplies are:

    * planner - very helpful!

    * pens and pencils (highlighters if you use them)

    * a notebook (I like 5 subject notebooks, 1 for each course) or a place to take and keep your notes from class, work on and keep your assignments, and save your syllabus!

    * textbooks (teachers will tell you which ones are required and which ones, if any, are optional)

    If you need special supplies for a class (calculator, lab equipment, etc.) your instructor will let you know. Sometimes they are provided at a fee or you may have to buy them on your own.

    And of course, a computer is a great school supply to have in college. :) I know very, very few people who take their computers to class (I think it's annoying), but some do and I imagine it depends on the school and the course.

    Have fun and good luck!

  4. Well if you were like me, you will completely hammered.  

  5. I have been a community college biology instructor, department chairperson, and dean for 39 years.  I can tell you that first day activities varies considerably at colleges and universities.  In my classes, I never wasted a minute of time!  Course syllabus, schedules, and policies were distributed.  I would introduce myself and ask each student in the class (classes were usually no more than forty) to introduce themselves.  I would sometimes use an "ice breaker" activity to do the introduction such as having each student to tell four things and a lie about themselves.  The others would try to detect the lie!  I would then present an overview of the course and make the first assignments.  By then, the time would be expired so I would dismiss the class reminding them to have text and lab manuals in hand by the next class meeting.

    During the distribution of course materials, I would encourage students to start forming study groups to assist each other to pass the course with a good grade.  If you have good study skills already then you should do well.  If you've had problem keeping on task then you need to develop a method to use for effective studying.

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