
What happens to American Citizens in the case of Economic Collapse?

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There is much talk about an anticipated complete economic collapse, likely to happen in September.

What will happen to the American Citizens if this turns out to be true? What measures will be taken to ensure that the masses do not starve?




  1. We'll find out. I predict that the worst economic depression in U.S. history will occur by October, 2009.

    Banks will fail; stock markets will crash; tens of millions will find themselves out of work.

    We survived the Great Depression of '29. We'll survive the one that's coming. But it could have been avoided if our government leaders had been PROactive instead of REactive over these past 80 years. Had our leaders focused on things that really mattered (instead of trying to win elections by breaking into the Watergate Hotel; 'investigating' a sexual liaison between a President and another consenting adult; or trying to 'get even' with Saddam Hussein by concocting an unconstitutional, illegal, immoral 'war') maybe we could have avoided the coming Depression - or at least prepared for it better.

    Actually, it's the very rich who will suffer the most. Just like in 1929, the champagne kept flowing and the band kept playing on the deck of the Titanic right up to the very end.

    But when the crash comes, there won't be enough tall buildings with ledges for people to jump from; those of us who already live in 'poverty', won't see much of a change in our lives. We've already gotten use to the struggles of minimal survival.

    But once the rich find themselves without their investment portfolios, their vacation resort homes, their luxury autos, and their other material bounty, they will also find themselves lost without a soul, without direction, and without consolation.

    Someone once said: "America's strength is not basically political; nor is it industrial or military. The foundation of this land is spiritual. When that foundation is weakened, democracy itself is threatened. We cannot allow that to happen."

    Unfortunately it's happened. We've 'sold our souls' for the sake of our own profit, comfort or convenience. Our love of Lexus luxury sedans outweighs our commitment to country and our fellow man. Arrogance, avarice, ignorance, sloth, neglect and hubris have set in; when the economic collapse comes, we will be woefully unprepared - and we will go the way of the great Greek and Roman empires that put debauchery and gluttony above humanity and patriotism.      -RKO-   07/26/08

  2. Those of us who live out in the county, have guns, have rations and know how to hunt will survive. Those of us who do not depend on the govt and live within our means will be able to weather the storm.

    Where I live, my neighbors and I are ready, we have already talked about it in detail.

    Vulcan, shut the h**l up! You are the same people who have been saying everything is just fine and the economy is in great shape. You have been saying that for the past 8 years, it sounds 5 times more assanine now then it sounded then.

  3. No measures if its left up to the GOP.

    ObAMA 2008

  4. First an economic collapse is basically impossible.  Most people still have jobs and money, don't listen to foolish media.  Now for the unemployed there is a safety net, poor folks get welfare, health care etc.  The masses won't starve or even be out of work!  Don't worry!!!

  5. rko, well said that man,

  6. Hi,

    That is why I am moving back to Thailand.

  7. Many will die from lack of medical/health care. People who need daily medication in order to live will not be able to afford it. Some will starve, mostly elderly. Huge numbers will become homeless. The government will set up soup lines and assistance programs for necessities. It will not be enough.

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