
What happens to GCSE results if they are not collected??

by  |  earlier

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If i don't go to my school and collect my results on the 21st of august,

Do the results get sent to your home address or ??





  1. They will be posted home to you and will arrive within the following 2 days

  2. It depends on your school. My school won't send out exam results to people's houses unless they leave a stamped and addressed envelope with reception.

  3. They get posted to your home address

  4. no yyou have to collect them on the third of september thats what my school is doing, actually wait i think they do send thme you can enroll for courses on the third, yeah so theyll be sent to you

  5. they get sent to your house.My friends are going on holiday and they will have their results waiting for them at home.

  6. They keep them unless you ask them to post it to you :)

  7. If you request it, they will post them to you.

  8. My school said you are able to phone them up and tell them that you want them sent to your address or if you want somebody else to collect them for you, they need to have written permission.

    Good luck! :)

  9. Yeah, they post them  to you

  10. At my school, if you didn't leave them with a stamped envolope (to send it to your house) they make you come in to school in september to see your results. You can't enrol into college without them though so I don't understand why they'd do that,

    Just save yourself the hassle and collect them in person.

  11. They keep them, until you make a written request to your school (signed by you) - asking them to send them to you.

    Most schools will not send them to you if you request them by phone. They need a written proof that YOU have asked for them to be sent to you.

    If you want to have then sent to you, I would make the written request now. It means they'll have more time to process it - and get them into the post sooner rather then later.

  12. If you don't collect them, and you didn't give the school a stamped envelope with your address on at EASTER, they will stay at the school forever - SERIOUSLY.

    One of my Uncle's took his exams 45 YEARS ago, and just got round to collecting the Grade Slips from the school.

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