
What happens to a US Citizen when they arrive in the USA from UK after being removed by immigration

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for overstaying their visa (circumstances beyond their control). Person was born in the USA, has a US passport but did not grow up in the US so has no contacts, no home or starting point in the US. As the person was removed by UK immigration without prior warning, the person has no money or clothes on them even though they had worked as UK immigration can freeze bank accounts. What happens once the person lands in the USA and is there any assistance that can be provided temporarily whilst the person settles in? The person is educated and well able to work, just needs a starting point. Thanks!




  1. Customs and Border Protection officers will treat you like any other arriving U.S. citizen. They are only interested in your immigration status, if there are any warrants out for you and what things you have with you. Beyond that, your dilemma is not of their concern.

    As a U.S. citizen, you're free to pursue any relief from social service agencies, but the port of entry is not the place to start. Once you're inside the U.S., you may apply for whatever benefits you think will assit you, but do not ask the inspectors at the port of entry for assistance.

    That would not be their area.

  2. Most of the large airports have groups set up to deal w/ refugees.  While this situation isn't the same as someone arriving who doesn't speak the language, these folks are most familiar w/ helping someone new to the US.

    Try - they might be able to help.

    If you know which city you'll be sent to (or if you can choose) you could start a job search right away.

  3. I think that andthen09 must not live in the US or if he does, then it's a rich state (if that even exists in the US).

    This person will not be able to just land and be able to apply for benefits straight off the airplane.  They would have to book a hotel and then try to apply for benefits.  And even then, don't expect to be able to into a Welfare office (yes that is what's it calls) and get money/food stamps issued.

    My question, doesn't this individual have any family members in the US, maybe they (the family) can provide the initial shelter & assistance the individual needs.

  4. sweethar has a good idea, i would add the American Red Cross to his list. he may have a problem getting welfare assistance since he will noy have any previous residency in any one state, but you know if he was a refugee all the mentioned agencies would be willing to sponsor him.

  5. I would think the UK would unfreeze your bank account once you were on the plane heading home.  If you know what city they will be flying you into, you can check with the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities in that area and see if they can help you out some, temporarily.  You can attempt to do so before you arrive.  Maybe have something set up prior to your landing.  

  6. dunno if i readnno if i read it properly but i believe you said this person was deported from the US even though there a citizen... anyways a citizen can go back with no problem... you odnt get any help if the government did payouts for everyone thats just starting out they would be low on cash

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