
What happens to a debt on your credit report if, it never was valid is it removed?

by  |  earlier

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Say for example you check out some books from the library and they say you never returned them so they put on your credit report that you owe the library $75.00 , then you talk to them and prove that you returned the books and there was a mistake, they agree and decide to delete the amount you owe. Do they remove it from your credit report?

Same question if you have a car that was towed , but you sold the car, and they put that on your credit report and then you ask them about it , they find out it was a mistake because you SOLD the car and it was not yours when they towed it, do they then remove it from your credit report, the past due towing fee?

Rumor has it that they WONT? what is the truth?




  1. Lets put it this way. If you follow the proper dispute procedures and they continue to list incorrect information on your credit reports, you can file a lawsuit against them for FCRA violations and it's usually a pretty easy win...if they let it get that far.

    Check out and Do some reading on the FCRA and FDCPA and learn your rights.

  2. it's still kept on record, but it's deleted from your credit report.

  3. If it's incorrect, you have the right to dispute it to the credit bureaus. I believe they have 30 to 60 days to respond or it comes off.

  4. Unfortunately the company may not remove the case because they don't have to remove things from your credit report. You will have to send in a letter explaining what happened and request the disputed charge be taken off. The company that wrongly charged you must give a statement and documentation to you to send to the credit bureau to have the charge deleted. GOOD LUCK, IT  CAN TAKE AWHILE SOMETIMES.

  5. A lot of times you will have to REMIND the company that placed the bad credit comment to take it off.

    You can also file a dispute with the credit bureaus and that can take an eternity itself. So it is best to use the first option.

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