
What happens to a person who STOPS smoking Marijuana cold turkey? Will there be a horrible withdrawl effect?

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What happens to a person who STOPS smoking Marijuana cold turkey? Will there be a horrible withdrawl effect?




  1. I was a stoner for yrs......and must say there are NO physical with-drawls. Mental....sure! We still think & talk about weed BUT we don't need it! Good luck.

  2. i guess mentally or u might get angry at first but once you go a lil bit dont give in and u will feel so much better physically once you stop!!!

  3. They have more money available for other things.


  4. nothing and no

    Marijuana does not cause a physical addiction, and no withdrawal occurs.

    I've smoked on and off for over 30 years...never had any trouble stopping

  5. The only withdrawl effect could be emotional, just as well as the emotional eaters, who eat in excess to curve a loneliness, this smoking could be an emotional emptyness.

  6. The with drawl pains are the same as with any addiction. There are those who say it is not addictive but ask one who has smoked for years and you will get a different answer.

  7. THC will remain in the body for some time. You will continue to feel a little 'high' until it works its way out of the body completely. There are no withdrawls but you will probably have the urge to smoke from time to time.

  8. There may be some withdrawal, but I will pray that you make it through.  I am proud of you if you stopped smoking marijuana!

  9. no. there is no "addiction" to mj.

  10. Yeah?! Ha ha! Reality?

  11. I smoked regularly for 4 years, every single day.  One day I just quit because of health and job concerns.  I never even wanted one again. No withdrawl symptoms at all

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