
What happens to air in space?

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What happens to air in space?




  1. there's no air in space.

  2. Hi Fall Out Boy B,

    There is no air (nitrogen / oxygen) in space. Space is a vacuum with no sustainable environment. If you were to release air into space it would quickly disperse. It is believed that if you were to go into space with no protective suit.. the gases in your body would try to dissolve and push it's way out of your body from your blood stream and intestinal tract.

    *** in response ***

    Thanks for the thumbs down.. why don't you stick to your contributions in law and ethics.. are you so dense that you think we mean there is no absolute quantity of air in space. Why don't you give us a break down in parts per billion / trillion.. and in response to gases freezing in space.. it depends on it's distance from a source of radiated heat like our sun or distant stars and planets. The ability for matter to retain temperature in space depends on it's ability to emit and absorb radiative energy. Do you actually think gases would freeze as they escaped from the earth???

  3. The others are wrong.  The molecules get spread out (no gravity to hold them close) and usually become solid because of the cold.  

    O2, CO2, etc.- solid crystal  molecules floating in space.

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