
What happens to all of the new cars flooded on a new car lot,do they clean them up and then sell them?

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What happens to all of the new cars flooded on a new car lot,do they clean them up and then sell them?




  1. Sure, if you don't mind a car that was sitting in water contaminated with industrial, human, and animal waste. I wouldn't touch one with a 10-foot pole.

  2. no technically they arnt allowed to sell them. but they can sell them whole sale. when a car gets flooded it jeperdises the safty features. if you do get one have it looked over thuraly. and dont pay over 1500 for it

  3. Most of the time insurance companys come in and call all the cars a total loss even though some of them might not even have a problem then they are took to salvage yards and sold back to indivuals with salvaged titles at discounted prices

  4. They are all sold to companies such as These places either sell them as is for a discount price, or replace all the electronics and wiring and gets more profit. With a flood damaged car, it is usually hit or miss. You can get one that is perfectly fine throughout the lifetime of the car, or you can get one that consists of many faulty parts.

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