
What happens to an aborted feoutus?

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When a woman has an abortion what happens to the babies body? Is the baby still alive when they take it out?




  1. I dont kno and dont want to kno cuzit is selfish to gt an abortion

  2. No, the baby is not alive.

    It depends on which procedure is used.

    They are usually disposed of as "medical waste."

    in the future, please post this under "medicine," not under "parenting & pregnancy."

  3. Im not sure. My mum gave birth to my brother at 16weeks. He was stilborn. Im not sure what they did with the body. I wish he never died. My mum was drugged up because she was miscarrying she was on a morphine drip at the hospital so she wasnt sure what was happening. The nurse took the body.

  4. the baby is already dead, thats why is considered murder and then the just throw it out...very cruel


    Since a BABY is conceived is nothing but cells that are multiplying meaning is alive! is not considered a baby yet but is alive and its part of you, if abortion is being in control of their bodies why dont they just cut a limb and throw it out when is hurting? No that would be selfish and bad, well is it 100 times even worst to kill an inocent baby

  5. The vast majority of abortions are performed when the pregnancy is still in the embryonic stage, and the embryo is very tiny.  They do not have to "cut it into pieces" to get it out.

    They essentially perform a dilation and curettage or a dilation and evacuation, emptying out the contents of the uterus, including the embryo, placenta, and uterine lining.

  6. Manda- Your information is false, by the time it is a fetus (at about 3 months) it does have hands and feet. and toes and fingers, my baby book just told me my baby already has 27 bones in its hands and I am only 13 weeks along.  

  7. the baby is ripped apart in the process of taking the baby out. no its not still alive. there are certian cases where the  heart still may be beating for a minute though. the body is used for medical science, or is disposed of in a bio-hazard bag.

  8. Most of the time the fetus is chopped into pieces by the vacuum extractor.  So when they take it out- it is usually in several pieces and NOT alive. I am sorry to be graphic but it is the reality of the situation.If you go to you can type in abortion and see actual videos.

    It is very upsetting and disturbing.

  9. IT is not a baby first off, so all the people who are saying "the BABY is ripped apart" there is no baby, a fetus is not fully developed it does not have hands or feet or anything. When when you do have an abortion, they take out THE FETUS and dispose of it, it is not anything like a baby, it is simply a bunch of blood clott looking things.


    At 3 months yes maybe there are parts starting to GROW but not at an early stage when MOST woman have abortions.

    so please people stop picking on my god d**n answer

  10. One of the ways there is to perform an obortion is by suction. like a vacume.  They suck the baby out and the baby comes out in pieces. not a  pretty picture but its real.

  11. i think it is so sick but garbage God BLESS THE BABIES

  12. OMG-the horror stories. It is not a baby-it is a fetus and would not have lived anyway so quit upsetting yourself. I work at a vet clinic where we throw out body parts all the time as medical waste. Not a big deal! And not nearly as gory as they would have you believe.

  13. I absolutely love the misinformation in abortion threads!  It's great to see just how gullible and naive people are.  Those 'abortion' videos on youtube are not real, The Silent Scream is not real.... These are propaganda tools made up by the Anti-Choice crowd to make women feel guilty for having control and choice over their body.  

    Edit:  hamsterbabies's links are just more Anti-Choice propaganda.  16 week old aborted fetuses that are still alive and sold for parts ....   Get real.  30-40 late term abortion specimens sold to the one company every week.... Of all the abortions performed in the US, only 1-2% are late term.  Of that 1-2%, 95+% are for medical reasons - fatal abnormalities, the mother's life in danger, etc.  Really, research these sites before you take them as fact.

  14. You ever watch or read "The Cider House Rules"?  That would give you some background.  Some babies are alive and some are killed during the procedure.

    Some body parts are sold:

    If they are born alive, they are supposed to be protected under the new Born Alive Infants Protection Act.  More info here:

    Some babies are used for research and thus stirred up controversy:

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