
What happens to an american citizen who went to france and stayed there past their three months allowed???

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend has been in france for 6 months now, and hasnt renewed her visa. she has no money with her, and im currently trying to locate her. what is going to happen when i try to bring her back to the states?? any fees? and also, what if she cannot pay for a plane ticket back to the states? thanks.




  1. If you eventually can get in contact with your friend you might get her a return ticket from another European country. Get her a separate ticket to that country or have her travel by train and than a ticket from there to the US.  There is no passport required for air travel inside the EU, one can travel on any valid picture id like a drivers licence, etc.  She will be allowed  one-way travel to any country that she has a valid passport for, in her case the US.

    The border police at a French airport will probably not bother her since she "is leaving" but could keep the information about her visa overstay on file and make it hard for her to return to France in the future.

    I hope you can find your friend save and sound and that this info helps.

    Good luck

  2. She was not allowed into France without a round trip ticket. The visa wavier program allows her to stay in France for 90 days without a visa. If she is caught she will be barred from returning to France under the visa waiver program. If she wanted to return in the further she would have to apply for and receive a visa.  Nothing will happen to her when she reenters the U.S, if she is a U.S. citizen.  France is the one that will deport her.

  3. She will be barred from returning to France in the furure. Don't know what else the french do with people who overstay their visas.

  4. Are you still in contact with her?  How is she living if she has no money?  If you can't make contact then get on to the US Embassy in Paris and see what they can do.  

    If she has deliberately overstayed then she will have to take the consequences.  There's every chance that on going through French immigration on the way home that they will just tell her off, they might ignore the overstay, or they might stamp her passport thereby not allowing her to return to the EU for five years.  

    She could easily come to the attention of French police should she be involved in an accident, need any medical treatment, or get into any trouble etc.  Should this happen she will be deported and responsible for all costs incurred in getting her back to the US.

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