
What happens to babies/abortioned babies when they pass?

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since i have been a Christian this has been on my mind a bit, ive been wondering what happens to the poor children 1 year and under that unfortunately pass and may not have gotten a chance to get to know of our Lord Jesus, how will the get into heaven? and the ones victim of abortion what happens to them? they hadn't even gotten to develop a personality, does god give them a chance to accept him in sound mind in the afterlife? that's what I'm thinking but would love to hear other Christians views and openions on this. ty God Bless




  1. Well, to be honest I was wondering the same thing. Do u know what entered my heart? I believe that when they die they are automatically in heaven.

    You  know the bible speaks of a new heaven AND a new earth. Well, I believe they die for a reason. When God make the new earth for the redeemed to live in I feel there's going to be all types of animals there as well, even wild animals but, they're not gonna be "wild" anymore. Imagine ur self petting an animal that USED to be wild!?

    N E way I believe babies are there for us to hold and love and adore when the new earth is made. Don't worry God knows what he's doing...She's one of the lucky ones, she don't have to worry about complications, she don't have to EVER get hurt, she's in peace with God. Stay strong and never give up because once u enter heaven u will be able to see her, in order to reverse the pain that u received on earth. What do u think about that?!? - Nice huh.

  2. i give an answer previously but it is only speculation

  3. It's all crazy!!!

  4. I think your book has an exemption clause for that.  It'd be a pretty silly god that sent innocent babies into a firey inferno, eh?

    Aborted babies on the other hand, don't have brain activity for the first several months so just think of them as soulless.

  5. God saved us when we couldn`t save ourselves so I think it`s reasonable to assume that He saves those who died before getting to hear..

  6. We don't know, but we do trust their souls to a merciful and loving God who will take care of them.  I am sorry for your loss.

  7. God immediately takes those precious children to be with Him.

    God Bless!

  8. They go to Paradise, which is a place for people who will go to Heaven.  They have pure souls and they have not sinned or needed to repent and turn back to God.  I believe they are what the Bible describes as the "assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven"  (some Bibles say their names are enrolled in heaven).

    I have a sibling who was never born and I look forward to meeting this person in Heaven someday.

  9. I have a big brother that I never got a chance to meet in this life. I truly believe that they're in Heaven... they're pure.  I don't buy that original sin nonsense.  Babies have unblemished souls.  Be at comfort knowing your sister's in an awesome place.

  10. nothing ashes to ashes dust to dust


    Jesus is keeping them safe.

  12. Did you know Christians, believed in reincarnation before the catholics came in and through it out. Reincarnation was even taught in Jesus's day. Anyhow, I believe we live over and over on earth until we meet out spiritual developmental needs to proceed to a higher spiritual level.  Therefore those who live short lives, may come back to enter another body until their life cycles are complete for spiritual advancement eventually leading to God.

  13. According to the catholic church, unbaptized babies go to limbo.  They are generally buried outside the boundaries of cemeteries, because they cannot be buried in sanctified ground because they are not covered by the covenant of baptism.  This is also true of many protestant denominations.    According to the church, if a child did not live long enough to be baptized, it's as if they never existed.

  14. Anyone who has not had the chance to know the Lord God, will be saved and go to Heaven. This goes for severly disabled people, babies and those who live abroad but have truly never had the chance to learn about Him. Do not worry, your sister will be waiting for you.

    God Bless

  15. Those who have not accepted the righteousness of YAHOSHUA will not be in the kingdom.  Sorry to rain on your parade, but that is what scripture teaches.

  16. Catholics believe in baptism by blood and the baptism by desire.  If a person loses their life before they have the oportunity to be baptised, this is a baptims by blood.  If a person is seeking the truth but can not find it (because it has not been preached to him or for other reasons), he receives a baptism by desire.  These people, baptized by blood or desire, go to heaven.

  17. The same thing that happens to everyone else...You turn to powder!

  18. Some of the response's to your question are from people absolutely sick in the head. Gives me all the more reason to be thankful I am not an atheist.

  19. Most Christians believe that God retreives their spirit back to himself. God does not hold accountable those that have not had the opportunity to know him.

  20. Children who are too young to know God will go to Heaven, because it isn't the child's fault if they die before baptism, or are born to parents who do not baptize them. I am so sad for your poor sister, and I am positive that she is in Heaven now. God bless!

  21. Your question is answered in detail in Dante's Inferno. The top level of h**l is called Limbo, and three kinds of people live there:

    1. Babies who died before they could be baptized.

    2. Virtuous people who died before Jesus.

    3. Virtuous people who lived in parts of the world where Christian missionaries have never reached.

    Limbo is not an unpleasant place, and indeed, one gets to meet many very interesting people there, including Virgil (who is Dante's guide) and Socrates. But it's sad because the inhabitants know they will never see God.

    That's why, in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, midwives, doctors, and priests always carried a baptismal syringe with them. If it looked as if the birth would be a stillbirth, they would insert the syringe and baptize the fetus prior to birth. (I guess you could call that "partial birth baptism.")

    I wonder if you can buy a baptismal syringe from a surgical products dealer today.

  22. Nothing, religion is a lie.

    BUT according to what ive heard

    Aborted Children goto h**l cuz they didnt get saved

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