
What happens to babies stillborn before 24weeks (do not read if easily upset)?

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Since a baby stillborn before 24weeks is still considered a Miscarriage, and does not have a Death Certificate, what happens to them?

They have the physical form of a baby, and as far as i'm concerned they are babies.

But they are not classed as such, so are the parents able to have funerals for them?

And if not, what does happen to them?




  1. The law may vary from state to state. In most states, "products of conception" may not be included in biomedical waste. Instead they are generally stored and "disposed of" by medical disposal companies, although the actual means of disposal is generally not discussed in order to save relatives from additional grief. My understanding is that they are cremated.

  2. There is no birth/death certificate, but you can request to have the baby buried.  There is a Patient's Bill of Rights that everyone should read and know about.  You don't have to swallow the garbage that every doctor and nurse try and shove into you, you have the right to know EVERYTHING, all side effects, ingredients in drugs and immunizations and what they do, not just small slips of paper telling you that the benefits outweigh the risks.  All procedures done, all the risks and all.  If you do nothing, they will send the baby for testing and studying.  Babies aborted are sold to pharmecuetical companies as the fetal tissue is used in different drugs such as immunizations.

  3. i had a baby at 20 wks stillborn and we had a funeral and the hospital let me hold him and took pictures and keeps in contact with me monthly to see how i am doing,

  4. It varies by state.  I will give you a weblink where you can look per state.  It is called Fetal Burial Rights.  Some states allow the family to have a burial or cremation.  Others won't allow families that ceremony (which is just horrible). (Fetal Burial Rights)

    Many funeral homes will provide free cremation services for infants.  This way you can keep the ashes.  They can even put the ashes in a stuffed animal so you can keep them until ready to spread.

    Also here is a link that is has a lot of information on this type of loss:

  5. It is up to the parents whether or not to have service for a stillbirth that early. Most opt not to. However, you truly do not want to know the details of what my be done with the fetus.

  6. I had my daughter at 21weeks.... I don't really call it a miscarriage either... I'd call it more like stillborn like you said, but that's what they call it..

    I had three options given to me...well four technically

    #1 Have a funeral and burial (or cremation)

    #2 Have the hospital perform a cremation (but not get the ashes)

    #3 Have it disposed of like they do the placenta after birth...

    Unfortunately I didn't have a lot of money and thought that #1 would cost too much.... I chose #2, however I regret it now that  I should haven't cared about the cost and had #1.... but it might vary between hospitals...

    I also hated that I couldn't get a birth/death certificate for her.... really makes me upset that they don't consider it and allow you to have them...

  7. I believe that a parent can have a funeral for a baby at any stage in pregnancy....But I'm not sure if there is a limit on how far back to the beginning it goes!

    I do know that 4 or 5 months, they can have  funeral!

    and I imagine 3 or less, you can too!

    And they probably dispose of them like the would "tissue" and other bodily parts and such after surgeries and things!

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