
What happens to balloons when they're let into the air?

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Are there just a bunch of balloons floating around in space? Do they pop eventually? And if so, do the remains fall back to Earth? What happens, exactly?





  1. When You have a Helium Ballon, It Eventually Goes Down x

    They Dont Go Into Space


  2. They raise until the pressure inside the balloon is greater than the pressure outside.  At Sea Level, atmospheric pressure is 14.7 PSI.  At higher altitudes, that pressure lowers.  The pressure outside the balloon lowers but the pressure inside remains the same.  This happens until the extent of strength the balloon has to maintain that pressure is broken and it pops.  At that point, it drifts back down to the ground blowing around in the wind.

  3. the ballon would eventually explode due to the huge air pressure higher up, they would either then get destroyed in the air by the atmosphere or fall back down to earth

  4. The real answer is that the air has much less pressure as the balloon rises, so they keep expanding from the pressure inside the balloon and pop.  The higher one goes, the less weight the air has.  So it becomes much less dense.

  5. eventually the balloonns pop in to the air, because the air begins to reduce  and when the remains fall back it make a sound.balloons becomes small in size than when it was blowed.  

  6. the balloon floats for a while until it gets stuck on something and might pop if it hits something sharp. eventually it loses if you had it in your room.

  7. the POP!

  8. They would eventually pop. The air pressure in the atmosphere is too much for the balloon to handle so it would pop.

  9. But you know, there probably IS some balloon.. maybe not a birthday party balloon, which has achieved some equilibrium and not popped, at a very high altitude.. possibly enough to be considered the border to space.

    That would make an interesting Space Station experiment though.  Put just a little air in a balloon, then set it free in space and watch it expand.

  10. After a period of time once they get so high they pop.

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