
What happens to frogs once their legs are eaten?

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after french people eat the legs off frogs, what happens to the frogs?




  1. last time i checked, french people aren't the only ones that eat frogs legs. in fact i can name a number of restaurants that serve right here in my town.

    certain types of frogs specially bred to be used as food are killed and then the legs are taken and used in certain dishes. they don't find just any wild frog and cook it up. the legs are used and i'm sure the other half of the body is disposed of, seeing how there isn't much use of it after that.

    you should be careful not to generalize about a specific culture when the statement isn't true.

  2. They kill the frogs before they eat them. Also, the frogs would not regenerate, they would die.

  3. do you take the wings off a live chicken? no..

    the frogs are butchered and the legs cleaned and prepared..

  4. They get little frog wheelchairs.  (My dad had a great t-shirt when I was young._

    Sorry, the frogs don't make it.

  5. i hate saying this but they die i'm not sure but maybe they use the other body parts for something or give it to science

  6. At the Fellsmere Frogleg Festival (Florida) it's not just the legs, at least last time I went... seemed to me they took the front legs forward off, gutted and cleaned what remained, battered and fried 'em up. Good eating. You might want to try it sometime... my only problem with frog legs is that they're kinda like little buffalo wings... almost too much work for the little bit of meat on them... but some frogs... mmm... I had froglegs at a Thai resturaunt once... they were HUGE!


  7. Umm nothing CUSE the die b4

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