
What happens to insects in the winter?

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What happens to insects in the winter?




  1. Insects can be considered 'exothermic' or 'cold blooded'. That means that

    they do not have the ability to control their body temperature that we

    mammals have. You know when you get cold you shiver, and your hair stands

    on end, and your skin goes white? That's your body attempting to keep warm

    by making the muscles work, making your 'fur' thicker, and getting your

    blood away from your skin. Insects can't do any of that. Basically if it's

    cold outside, the insects are cold, and when the insects are cold they

    can't do much.

    Insects cope with Winter in three ways: either they can try to survive

    through it like a few of the smaller flies, or they can hibernate

    underground like some of the beetles, or they can do what most insects

    do......... lay a bundle of eggs and then die. The eggs sit quietly and

    patiently until spring and then hatch. Different insects hide and protect

    their eggs in different ways and it's a fascinating thing to study.

    Mantids cover their eggs in foam which sets hard and protects the eggs for

    the winter. Other eggs are laid inside trees or branches, or in cracks in

    the bark. Some eggs are laid underwater and survive the freeze (like

    Caddis flies and Dragon flies). Look for some pictures in your local

    library, and then go out in to the garden and see what you can find. Next

    Spring you'll know where all the best bugs are to be found!

  2. thats when they get their generals together and plan their attacks

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