
What happens to money and the national anthem when prince charles takes over as king?

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do they change all the money for a pic of the new king and would the national anthem simply be changed to god save the king




  1. I think Queen Elizabeth will out live him.

  2. all the money should go to the aussies so we can afford to buy

    back england,and change the anthem to

    <once a jolly jumbuk> that way charlie will be deported to oz

    as they came and took our land away,!republi

  3. It's what has been done before, so probably they will do it again.

  4. The national anthem changes over to God Save The King. Luckily enough the words King and Queen only have one syllable in them so no need to change the melody!

    As for the money/stamps, they'll just put Charles' mugshot on them and gradually take back in the old money.

  5. The change in monarchs also means changing official photos and paintings in public buildings throughout the Commonwealth.

    Don't forget the Queen is the most recognizable person on earth. Her image appears on the currency and stamps used every day by a quarter of the earth's population. So the money and postage in all Commonwealth member countries would also change, as would the courts and honourifics, like Queen's Council.

  6. the money will be changed along with the stamps but the old stuff will still be legal tender.

    It will be god save the king.

  7. money: they dont have to change it, most of it is in the pockets of the royals, anyway, since they have their hand in every brits pocket. As for the national anthem, its pitiful to ask god to save the king or queen; the brits should be asking God to save themselvles from these bloodthirsty (remember Diana?) leeches.

  8. New notes would be printed with Charles picture on them & the words of the anthem would just change to God save the King instead of Queen.

  9. They would leave the money as it is but any new coins would have his head and name on it.

    As for the National Anthem, it would simply become "God save our gracious king" etc.

  10. Correct on both counts. And the national anthem would 'revert' to 'God Save The King' because that's what it was before Elizabeth took the throne.

  11. I thought william was to be king

  12. Well obviously they would have to change the money and postage stamps to ones which bear his image on but i don't think charles will become king.

  13. Can you imagine opening your wallet and finding prince charles' head on your tenners? What a horrible thought. As for the national anthem, apart from changing queen to king, we'll still have that boring drone of a song.

  14. The anthem will change immediately.  I don't think that the money and stamps that are in circulation right now would be recalled. New mintings and printings would bear Charles' image.

  15. they will change it back to God Save the King although in this day of P.C shouldn't it be Monarch. The powers that make all these rules insist on it. We now say chair person instead of chairman/woman Headmaster/Mistress is now Head teacher. Though somehow God save our gracious monarch. long live our gracious monarch ....doesn't have same ring to it.

    Dont know about the money though. The coins will stay in circulation & his head on the new ones minted but haven't a clue what they will do about the notes.

  16. The Anthem would change to God Save the King as soon as Charles is proclaimed King, on the death of his mother. Money, stamps, and anything else bearing the sovereign's image are changed in time, but the 'old' image remains legal. QC's (lawyers) also change to KC

  17. all the new money that gets printed will have him on it and they will slowly collect the old money in i bet they already have money made with his picture on it  and the anthem will say king instead of queen.

  18. probably - not that I think he will ever be king

  19. Money remains legal tender but all new coins and notes would have his head on, the same with postage stamps. The National Anthem becomes "God Save the King".

    There are a few other changes anyone who is a QC becomes a KC. The Crown Courts change from QB to KB (Queen's Bench to King's Bench).

  20. I suppose the Anthem would change, but the money would go towards a face lift for his old trout, my, does she need it, mind you he aint nufin to look at

  21. The money that currently exists will be withdrawn from circulation in the normal way and replaced with currency with the new king's image on it. There will still be coins in circulation with the Queen's head on it long after she dies. When I was a kid we had pennies in circulation from the days of Edward VII alongside pennies with Elizabeth II's image. It was not unknown to find the occasional coin from Victoria's reign.

    The change in currency to metric means that all the old coins and notes are no longer in circulation but unless the coinage changes again, you can expect to find a few Elizabeth II coins still in use in 50 years time.

  22. The anthem was originally 'God save the King', before the Queen became queen and they changed it for her.  So it will just change back, although I'm rather hoping that Charles will choose a new anthem as that one is so boring.  

    The money will change too, just as it changed to the queen's picture when she took over.  And stamps will change to have Charles' head on them too.

  23. Regarding coinage, if tradition is followed the the next monarch will be in profile facing left. The Queen currently faces right.

  24. they wouldnt change the money but all new money would have his head on it.  they anthem would just change to king

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