
What happens to my dad now with these diu charges??

by  |  earlier

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He has one from 1988 conviction, one in 2003 reduced to reckless driving, and 2 in the last 2 months that are pending in court. What will happen to him? I know he's wrong and he needs to learn a lesson so please don't be rude to me thanks.




  1. depending on where you live

    he will be facing some jail time and more than likely lose of driving privileges for at least a couple of years

    here in Illinois he would be facing at least a year in jail and up to 5 years

    and more than likely at least 5  more years of driving privileges

    and yes he does to need to learn his lesson  

  2. I am sorry this happened.  He definitely needs a good lawyer.  Good luck to you and your dad!

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