
What happens to my money in the bank if we adopt the Amero or a common currency?

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was just wondering if my money will be worth less if the North American Union does take into affect and we do adopt a common currency with Canada and Mexico...




  1. Don't worry - there will be given period for substitution usually 6 months or 2 years. Government gives this time to ensure economic stability. Transition doesn't happen instantly so you will have time for conversion or bank will do it for you automatically for all your accounts.

  2. With a common currecy, you will not immediately lse any value - nor will you gain. During the period of transition / adjusment, you will find no chnage.  After that the purchasing power of your money will depend on the realtive inflation in the US relative to  Canada and Mexici. There is nothing to fear. This happens already: if you are located in New Jersey rather than in Calfornia, you will suffer different rates of inflation. Over time, the new common currency will make no difference to your deposits with the bank. It did not happened when many European countries switched over to Euro as the common currency.

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