
What happens to my waste when it leaves my house?

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What happens to my waste when it leaves my house?




  1. It goes to a landfill that will some day be a wonderful new park or golf course.

  2. It depends on where you live and what the county or city has set up. If you know the name of the garbage company look them up online and their website should tell you.

  3. Oh Gawd!  The big brains have come out to answer this one!  Hah!

    Okay, here goes.....

    You flush and it goes down a PVC pipe to a larger PVC pipe to the edge of the property line where it dumps into something like a 30" or more diameter clay pipe.  It continues on its way, flowing down hill, joining with all your neighbors flushed waste until YOUR waste is indistinguishible.

    It hits the treatment plant as a smelly organic rich broth with some floating chunks in it along with lots of fat scum.  This goes through a strainer to break up the bigger chunks and then its all poured into a large round open-air tank called a digester, where billions of microbes break it down into component molecules all dissolved in the water that transported it in the first place...

    From here it goes to a stage-II digester called a secondary treatment where it is constantly stirred and allowed to digest further with billions of more microbes.  After it digests there for a while, it transfers to a stage-III treatment tank where it's aeriated to deodorize it and then either pumped out to sea, into a big lake, or into a reclaimation center that kills all the pathogens in it and distributes it as irrigation water for the plants along our highways and byways.

    So when you p**p, you just may be fertilizing those pretty flowers along the highway.

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