
What happens to navel war ships that are decommissoned?

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What happens to navel war ships that are decommissoned?




  1. They are sold for scrap metal, or put in museums

  2. Some are kept in storage, some sold to other navies and some are scrapped.

  3. they are usually sank in areas off the coast to promote reef growth, but they are stripped of all equipment,wiring & pipes & cleaned to remove toxins. some smaller ships are processed for scrap metal or placed in docks of some costal cities as a memorial.

  4. There are a few things that can be done with them.

    Scrapped - torn down to use for scrap

    Reserve- The ship is in laid up in Mobilization Category B, commonly known as "mothballs", for potential return to US service.

    Held - The Navy is retaining the ship for some specific purpose, such as foreign transfer, but not for potential return to US service. Most ship "held" are for Foreign Military Sale (FMS) or for donation to museums.

    Disposal - Indicates the Navy wishes to/intends to dispose of the ship when such disposal is possible.

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