
What happens to psychic kids born into christian homes and taught that anything psychic is evil and from satan

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I would like to get detailed responses to this and personal expierence, as always, is greatly appreciated!!




  1. I depends on the amount of religion parents are permiting to warp thier child's brain.

    It's going to vary on a case by case basis.

    My experience is that superstition is harmful no matter what label (mainstream Religion, cult, psychic BS, New Age c**p, etc) it goes under.

  2. I think that most parents do the best they can to raise their children. Many truly believe that if they fail their children will go to h**l. That's a tough burden to bear.

    That being said, your parent's path may not be your path.

    Each of us has to find our own personal truth and live our lives accordingly.

    I was raised in a Catholic home and my parents in general do not believe in anything remotely paranormal. When I was a child I often saw ghosts and entities. When I tried to talk to my parents about it they just tried to find other ways to explain it. Eg bad dreams, ate something spicey, watch too much TV etc.

    At the time it was confusing, but now that I am older, I realize that they really thought they were being helpful.

    Now I am very much involved in holistic therapy and conduct readings, and paranormal investigations. I am honest with my parents about what I do, and they have come to accept it even though they don't really understand it.

    I think the psychic kids will do just fine in life. And hey, maybe they will even teach their parents a thing or two along the way.

  3. the salem witch trials. Am i right?

  4. I was raised in a Catholic church...I don't remember their ever mentioning it. ..probably because I think they believe in a lot of paranormal things...UNTIL it happens to you!! Then they call you a "kook". (even though the same things happened to the ones they call "saints".) Go figure!!!

    Edit...GT...What about when Jesus told the man he saw him under the tree? Is that not being psychic or paranormal? I know it was normal for Jesus..but wouldn't that still come under the paranormal to us????

  5. I hate to tell you but psychics don't actually exist.

    See my answer to your earlier post.

  6. Fire and brimstone

  7. well the problem with this question is that different denominations of Christians would handle the situation differently. your regular, run of the mill, southern baptist would probably interpret the situation differently than a Pentecostal Christian. its bad because these so called "physic" powers could be, for all they know, visions and gifts from God, and the children are told that its evil. a complicated situation really.

  8. it's hard.  i got made fun of.  They even dedicated a whole Christmas to me being "weird" so everyone bought me really ugly statues of trolls and stupid stuff, while everyone else got clothes, books and the usual stuff.

    i discovered that the bible has devoted passages to the gifts of the holy spirit (I think there are seven, one of which is speaking in tongues, another of gifted sight).  Whatever you call it, i believe it's there.  So, term it to the audience.  be careful with the holy spirit ref, cause adamant bthumpers dont want to be left out. (how dare the holy spirit choose you over me!)  Read the bible though for reference, plus it'll keep others off your back.  Fight on.

  9. My partner was born a very strong psychic and he was brought up in strict Catholic faith - his family is Polish, so it was mass every Sunday morning for him. His parents taught him that the devil was inside of him and needed to be purged. He tells me his parents were pathetic to have to say things like that to him growing up because he had sensed that both of them were psychic aswell. He did have confusing periods (taking drugs to be 'normal' aka conditioned) where he saw the 'TRUTH' to existence, but couldn't do anything about it because he was made to follow the conditioning of our Western society. But, when he met me, his views on reality had changed. He understood his power and as he always knew, the power came from the Divine Consciousness, not from a man-made creation called Satan. I did not have trouble developing my psychic gifts as a child (was born psychic) because my parents were Communists so they didn't believe in religion. I did though, which lead me to study all the major religions, plus the occult and metaphysics to try to understand the gifts which I was blessed with. So, having said this, it was a blessing that my partner and I did meet because there were many things which we taught eachother about our gifts and experiences...

  10. It is important to know that Christians should hate the sin not the sinner. I have not experience this personally, but the child would probably be encouraged not to base their life on "psychicness" instead of Jesus. It only becomes a problem when they open up their own palm reading shop

  11. It is important that you do not stereotype what Christians are and how they act.  There is nothing that says Christian parents believe psychic experiences are from Satan, nor is there any proof showing that controlling parents that don't allow their children to use their natural gifts are Christian.

    However, to answer your question, if a child with psychic powers was born into a home where psychic beliefs were thought to be evil, they would have a very difficult time.  They would have to suppress their ability to fit in, or they would have to find a way to explore it without their parents being angered by this.  Perhaps, the child cold explore the ability and discover what it is about it specifically that bothers their parents and try to help them to understand that their gift is not all about this negative aspect and is a positive.  God gives many different gifts.  Just because it is a rare gift, it doesn't mean that it is from Satan.  

    This is very similar to asking, what would happen to a boy, raised in a home by super-masculine parents, who discovered he had a talent for singing and dancing Broadway style tunes.  He would have a very hard time, and he would have to decide whether he would want to suppress his interests and talents to make things easier at home or if he would like to explore the gift and perhaps help his parents to accept or even appreciate it.  

    This isn't really a question about psychic abilities as much as it is about parent/ child relationships.  it can be very difficult for anyone if their gifts and talents are adverse to what their parents want them to be.

  12. They would be condemned for their non-existent powers by people who wield the cruel judgments of a non-existent God.  That's about as ironic as it gets.

  13. Am one and it took alot to break through the c**p that my parents had put onto me. Don't feel anger though. Am extremely greatful for the gift of having to struggle through my fears to get to the freedom i now feel i have.

  14. I would think if someone with strong religious feelings perceived something they considered to be paranormal they would attribute it to the supernatural source they are most familiar with--their religion.

  15. Hopefully they will get other educating situations to free them from the narrow-mindedness.    In the Book Matthew and another of those first four  Jesus explains that all he did we can do also.  Is it miraculous or just inate abilities born to us, albiet some more than others.   At various times in history parents scared their children from such experiences and believes for others may brand them witches or heretics and they could have been murdered in the name of the church.  Often those in power don;'t want others to know their own powers and abilities.  Prayer and answers to prayers is a paranormal event  .  I often consider it all ultra-natural.  And also the abilities many animals have we have also.  We can't sniff as well but we can sense direction , heal ourselves and fortell threats as yet unseen.   etc etc......

  16. It creates a lot of inner problems for the child.  Speaking for myself, I felt isolated and tried to bury my experiences.  Then when I was an adult I read all of the New Testament and discovered that after Jesus had walked on water, healed the sick, turned water into wine, etc...He stated that we could do all that he'd done, and more because we were made in His image.  That made me feel much better and I started looking forward to my experiences.  If you have Love in your heart and accept the differences in people you're on the right path and your aren't going to h**l because you can do some of the things Jesus did.  We're spiritual beings having a physical experience on this planet.  Explore your abilities!

  17. i dont think you can be psychic but i do believe in prophets! and theres nothing non christian about that.

  18. They are taught to suppress their natural psychic abilities. They are sometimes ridiculed or told they are "possessed" and need to be exorcised. They are told that their imagination is running wild and to ignore it.

    They are shunned and thought to be "weird."

    Speaking from some experience that is.

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