
What happens to salsa after it sits out at room temperature for several hours?

by Guest56149  |  earlier

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Recently, I put salsa back in the fridge after an indoor party. Next day I cooked the salsa in a chicken dish, and I think it might have made someone ill. I understand about bacteria - especially affecting meat - but salsa too? It's just tomatoes and peppers. Can anyone explain? (I always put hummus and cheese back in the fridge, and never had a problem before.)




  1. I am sure it wasnt the salsa... it would have made every1 sick if that was the case

  2. No wasn't the salsa!

  3. Tomatoes and peppers are not foods that need to be refrigerated - so I can't see how it would harm anyone.  At work - there have been occasions where we've left salsa out overnight (covered - but just sitting on a table) - and people have eaten it the next day and been fine.  If you think it was the food that made them ill - I'd suspect the chicken before the salsa.

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