
What happens to service dogs after they retire?

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What Happens to the service dogs after they need to retire?

Where do they go?




  1. They stay with their handler as a pet if the handler wants them, if not then it's put up for adoption.

  2. Depends on what service they provided.

    Many police dogs go home with the police officer they worked with and live out the rest of their lives as a pet.

    Others are put into an adoption program where they are adopted out to families and live as pets. There are usually long waiting lists for these programs and dogs.

    In short, they in on form or another live out the rest of their lives as pets.

  3. Well, around here service pets are a forever-pet to the person.

    Otherwise, they're adopted out or sent to be with a worker or new home.

  4. They live out the rest of there life as a pet

  5. Some people keep them as pets and some go up for adoption usually the Serivce that the dog is with finds them a home after they retire  

  6. Most times they stay with the person that they helped.  If that person cannot keep them they are adopted to people who have passed a screening process.

  7. the owner ussually keeps them as a pet..  or a friend or family member may adopt them.

    Most of the facilities that train the dogs will assist in finding a home for the dogs if the person is not willing or able to keep the dog when it retires.

  8. Police dogs, do you mean?  They either go home with their handlers (which they usually do anyway, every day) or they get adopted out.

  9. I've heard that they get adopted out.  Through foster programs or privately.

  10. Probably sold to be a pet

  11. More than not they live out their lives with their trainer/partner.

  12. probably to one of the people who have been with it for its whole life, to be a pet

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