
What happens to the body behind the curtain when you get cremated?

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What happens to the body behind the curtain when you get cremated?




  1. When you get cremated, your body is burned at an extremely high temperature in a furnace, high enough to make all bones except for the scull disintegrate. I am not sure what happens to the soul, for the Bible doesn't mention anything about cremation or the like, except for death by fire was usually reserved as one of the harshest punishments for sinners.

  2. i would think you would never be able to tell if it were you....LOL

    but for the details in the cremation process, understand the funeral directors and suh do not treat any dead body with kitt gloves. the embalming process is rough and very crude. the autopsy process is very crude and very ugly too.. the idea of someone actually abusing a dead body is wrong and against the law, but the actual processes are rough and crude. there isnt a ceremonial dance or any special ways the deed is done. a cremation is just that.. burning the flesh into ashes and crushing the bones to ashes as well. the rulesof engagement differ from state to state as to facilities etc... but trust me. the way a body is prepaed for a standard funeral may mae your skin crawl.. wring the mouth shut, embalming with a 36 inch hollow tube jabbed into the body cavity like a sword. the care and prep by the stylist, doing the makeup and hair is probably the gentle part of the process. but after all if you dont want creamtion, dont you want to look your best.>? Cermonial funerals have been around forever if you think of the prcess to go thru you probably just want to live foever..... IE: muhr and other spices stuffed into egyptian dead bodies, organs in clay jars.  as for me, i want to be cremated. seems simpler and less expensive. the money saved my family can go on a trip, hae a party or pay off bills..

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