
What happens to the brain chemically when oxygen is cut off?

by Guest57367  |  earlier

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I am a chem. eng. undergrad so I know about Ochem and some bio. This question is just from personal curiosity though, not a school project.




  1. The brain cells shrivel and die when deprived of oxygen.

  2. The core element of metabolism, the act of extracting chemical energy from the food we eat, requires oxygen.

    No oxygen, no energy, and the cell dies.

  3. it losses brain cells

  4. The cells in the brain begin to die when there is lower oxygen, even a 'heart attack' ... and once dead they can't come 'back to life' at all.  If ALL oxygen was 'cut off' from getting to the brain, you would die very quickly ... within five minutes, at most.

  5. chemically, the brain metamorphosizes into nitroglyercine, and then explodes.

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